tiffany leanne

aujourd'hui de mon vivant...

16 May 2007


70 Questions I Guarantee You've Never Answered Oh, but I think I's okay though because these are fun again.
1. Would you chew gum after someone else already chewed it? maybe after Eric, but nobody else.
2. What describes your relationship status? Eric Bennett.
3. Who was your last call from? Eric.
4. Are you a heart breaker, or the broken heart? I'm a happy heart.
5. Ever been skinny dipping? haha.
6. Earrings or necklace? earrings.
7. Who have you talked to most today? probably my brothers.
8. Pumpkins? I like pumpkin pie.
9. Friend that lives closest to you? I don't know.
10. Color of your shirt? green.
12. Who's on speed dial 2? my mom.
13. What color is your background on your computer? a picture of the ocean.
14. Do you wish at 11:11? I usually miss 11:11.
16. Are you a bad influence? I hope!
17. What color are your eyes? green.
18. Would you rather have your name or your siblings name? obviously, my siblings'.
19. Would you do anything for someone? just Eric.
20. Have you ever been called an asshole? haha, yes.
21. Favorite color(s)? green.
22. Do you use smiley faces on the computer? yes. =)
23. What song is on? none here.
24. Are your grades good? I'm a graduate with no grades ever again!
25. Do you ever think people hate you for filling these out? Why should they care??
27. Does your best friend have a myspace? no.
28. Whose page did you visit last? I don't know.
29. Last time you went out to lunch? Sunday.
30. Do you watch the Gilmore Girls? yes.
31. Have you ever enjoyed listening to Jack Johnson? I don't know.
32. Have you ever seen or enjoyed watching the O.C.? no.
33. Do you have one or more Britney Spears C.D.s? no.
34. Which radio stations are your favorite? all of them.
35. Are you a "Lost" fanatic? no.
36. Still have pictures of your ex? somewhere.
37. Do you have a song by Ozzy Osbourne in your library? no.
38. Alanis Morisette? sings.
39. Do you watch Family Guy Regularly? no.
40. King of the Hill? no.
41. Do you read trashy romance novels often? no.
43. Do you sing obnoxiously in the car? I sing obnoxiously everywhere.
44. Do you ever sing obnoxiously in the shower? not so much.
45. Have you ever watched a little kid's show? yes.
46. Have you ever pretended your crush was with you when they weren't? no.
47. Did you draw pictures for your first crush back in elementary? I don't think so.
48. Have you ever liked a girl/boy but didn't ask her/him out? this is stupid.
49. Have you ever written a poem or story about your life? yes.
50. Have you ever spent over an hour thinking about nothing but a person? eh, maybe.
51. Have you ever liked someone solely because of their personality? yes.
52. Do you eat all the servings in the food groups on a daily basis? nope.
53. Are you ever a freak about cleanliness or organization? yes.
54. Have you ever been to South America or Africa? not yet.
55. Do you know how to knit? no.
56. Do you have a cell phone or iPod with a patterned cover? no.
57. Have you ever written love song lyrics yourself and put them on myspace? nope.
58. Do you keep a diary or journal online? apparently.
59. When you open your closet, what is the dominant color of? maybe white or blue or pink or brown.
60. Baskin Robbins or Coldstone? Coldstone, for sure.
61. Physics or chemistry? poo.
62. Earphones or headphones? earphones.
63. Pink or teal? teal.
64. Earrings or a ring? both.
66. Harry potter, lord of the rings or star wars? ewoks.
67. Fly or road trip? fly.
68. Starbucks? iced vanilla latte.
69. What is your favorite Disney movie? The Little Mermaid.
70. Have you ever bought clothing at Sears? yes.

11 May 2007


1) How old do you wish you were? 5. or 22.
2) Where were you when 9-11 happened? in psychology class.
3) What do you do when vending machines steal your money? kick them.
4) Do you consider yourself kind? for the most part.
5) If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be? if I HAD to, it would be on my ass.

6) If you could be fluent in any other language what would it be? Italian.
7) Do you know your neighbors? sort of.
8) What do you consider a vacation? a fun trip.
9) Do you follow your horoscope? no.
10) Would you move for the person you loved? apparently, yes.
11) Are you touchy feely? at times.
12) Do you believe that opposites attract? sometimes.
13) Dream job? Samantha Brown's job.
14) Favorite channel(s)? the CW and the travel channel.
15) Favorite place to go on weekends? London.
16) Showers or Baths? showers.
17) Do you paint your nails? yes.
18) Do you trust people easily? occasionally.
19) What are your phobias? snakes.
20) Do you want kids? someday.
21) Do you keep a handwritten journal? not really.
22) Where would you rather be right now? London.
23) What makes you feel warm and safe? Eric.
24) Heavy or light sleeper? light.
25) Are you paranoid? of what??
26) Are you impatient? YES.
27) Who can you relate to? Eric.
28) What are you thinking about right now? this survey and Doritos.
29) Have you been burned by love? no.
30) What's your life motto? Smile often, love always, and eat whatever the hell you want.
31) What's your main ringtone on your mobile? Cannon in D.
32) What were you doing at midnight last night? talking to the boy.
33) Who was your last text message from? Eric.
34) Whose bed did you sleep in last night? my very own.
35) What color shirt are you wearing? red.
36) What are you listening to right now? hold me now...
37) Name three things you have on you at all time? sellie, lipgloss, & these rings.
38.) What color are your bed sheets? pink.
39) How much cash do you have on you right now? none.
40) What is your favorite part of the chicken? the beak.
41) Whats your fav city/place? London.
42) I can't wait till... I take a shower.
43) Who got you to join myspace? my brother.
44) What did you have for dinner tonight? a chicken wrap.
45) How tall are you barefoot? 5'4"
46) Have you ever smoked heroin? no, and I don't think you're supposed to smoke it either.
47) Do you own a gun? no.
48) Water or tea? both.
49) What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? my wily ways.
50) Do you have A.D.D.? no.
51) What time did you wake up today? 11ish; I have no job.
52) Current worry? um, none really.
53) Current hate? bugs.
54) What is your mom doing right now? sleeping, I think.
55) Where would you like to travel? everywhere.
56) Where do you think you'll be in 10 years? either married, or the proud owner of 37 cats.
57) Last thing you ate? that chicken wrap.
58) What songs do you sing in the shower? the last song I heard.
59) Last person that made you laugh? The Fuzz and Eric.
61) Does someone have a crush on you? Eric likes me an awful lot.
62) What is your favorite candy? marshmallows or runts.
63) What song do you want played at your funeral? I will survive.

10 May 2007


I am a college graduate.
What now?

Summer is here, and I love it.
The sun does not set quite so soon.
I do love summer nights.
The violets are in full bloom.
I have abandoned scarves and sweaters, and embraced flip flops and sunglasses.
Winter was too long and too cold.

Summer is where we all find ourselves.
Summer is when the biggest and brightest memories are made, and pushed, and change.

I love Wheeling in the summer.
I love my house in the summer.
I love my life in the summer.

This summer I want to…
I want to listen to music way too loudly.
I want to see old friends from high school.
I want to swim every day.

I want to build a fire and roast marshmallows.
I want to hold hands and watch the sunset.
I want to tramp through the woods.
I want to eat DiCarlos every single week.
I want to sit on the beach for hours.
I want to wear less makeup and more sunshine.
I want to kiss in the rain.
I want to wear skirts with flip flops.
I want to sleep outdoors in his arms.
I want to ride roller coasters and eat cotton candy.
I want to go to the zoo.
I want to drink with my roommates a few last times.
I want to have a picnic next to the creek.
I want to snuggle and watch 100 movies.
I want to watch fireworks.
I want to walk along the entire trail.

I want to drink 8 glasses of water daily.
I want to dance around in my underwear.
I want to have a cookout and invite everyone.
I want to share all of it with my boyfriend.
I want to take a million photos of everything.

I want to be amazed by life.
I want to be exact.
I want to understand it all.
I want to know all of the whys and hows.

I want to have a [never-ending] summer of amazement.

And then, I’ll move to another continent.

My life is truly, amazingly beautiful.