SCATTERGORIES--it's harder than it looks!
Rules: Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following. They MUST be real places, names, things--NOTHING made up!
Your Name: Tiffany.
1. Famous singer/band: Third Eye Blind.
2. 4 letter word: time.
3. Street name: Table Rock Lane.
4. Color: teal.
5. Gifts/presents: t-shirt.
6. Vehicle: Toyota.
7. Items on a menu: turkey.
8. Boy Name: Thomas.
9. Girl Name: Talia.
10. Movie Title: Taladega Nights.
11. Drink: tea.
12. Occupation: therapist.
13. Flower: tulip.
14. Magazine: Time.
15. US City: Talahassee, FL.
16. Pro Sports Team: Tampa Bay.
17. Reason for Being Late for Work: tire popped.
18. Something You Throw Away: trash.
19. Things you shout: "Think again!"
20. Cartoon Character: Tigger.
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