tiffany leanne

aujourd'hui de mon vivant...

28 February 2005


i made muffins...=) then, i ate 2 and a half of then for dinner. i feel like i'm going to pop now. muffins are a weird supper. oh well, they were yummy!


here's a little spanish vocabulary lesson for all of you...=)

amistad: friendship.
asustada: frightened.
avergonzado: embarressed.
casarse: to marry/get married.
cauteloso: cautious.
deprimida: depressed.
discutir: to argue.
duradera: lasting.
emocionada: excited.
meterse en lios: to get into trouble.
pasajera: fleeting.
querer: to love.
satisfecha: satisified.
sonar con: to dream about.

yay! i have a quiz on all of those words tomorrow morning. sucks to be all of the people who didn't go to class on friday and are studying all 50 words because they don't know which ones are on the test and which ones aren't! hah!!!!!

26 February 2005


eric & i have been officially dating for 11 months today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i love you...xoxo!!!!

25 February 2005

a bit fishy...

this is a very cool recipe. jasper loves it!

24 February 2005


i miss my house. and, my family. and, the fuzz. but, i hear that the entire family (sans timmy) has influenza, so i guess i'm not missing much by being down here. i miss eric a whole lot too. but, i get to see him tomorrow!=) ....still in this drafty, suckass house though. blah. it snowed a lot today. the roads are covered. i'm assuming that they're not taking to kindly to people trying to drive on them this evening, but i really don't know. ask my street. i hate snow. i hate cold. i hate morgantown.
i went past smudgie again today. he's still there, and i'm glad. he lives about 6 inches directly above the fire alarm on the left side of the soda machine. (that ought to aid all of you in finding him.) thing 1 is jealous of my newfound interest in smudgie. thank goodness smudgie is only a smudge; i can't being him here, and thing 1 can't get to him.

23 February 2005

smudgie update

smudgie was looking very well this morning.

be proud!

i did "the ultimate ab workout" again tonight. two days in a row!!!! can you believe it?!?! and, my belly hurt today; i couldn't walk up steps with my backpack bc it pulled my abs!lol anyway, i did it all over again tonight. so, at the beach i'll be hott!;), i'll have strong abdominal muscles.=)


so, i mailed eric a check for the beach today. mailing a check means that, yes, i am definately going to the beach. yay! and....beach=bathing suit in a public area. this striking thought made me think, "oh, gee, i should go to the rec a few times before this semester ends." then, i thought, "man, the rec is just too far away." nevertheless, i was feeling motivated tonight. during american idol, i found "the ultimate abs workout" in a magazine. hey, it didn't look too strenuous for me (which doesn't say too much bc i'm a lazy person!). so, i did it. yes, i, tiffany frank, did an "exercise". haha. and, um, ow. i didn't know that my abs were this incredibly out of shape. i feel like my entire torso area is made of jello right now. it makes me laugh....but that hurts too. sigh. random thought: this is going to hurt tomorrow. and, i have to carry shakespeare & brit lit tomorrow...up all of the steps!!!!! i don't think i'll be able to make it now! damn beach thoughts making me do something that was remotely good for me for once!lol

22 February 2005


when walking from spruce street onto the pleasant street bridge, it is very common for university students in morgantown, west virginia, to cut through the lower level of the pleasant street parking garage. if one enters the garage from the corridor next to the coke-a-cola machine and veers right toward the ticket machine, he will walk past a small paint smudge. this paint smudge is about 4 inches in diameter and is gray in color. it decorates the concrete wall approximately 7 feet over the ground. this paint smudge looks like a donkey. i call him smudgie.


this man is one sick fuck.


20 February 2005


i love you, eric!!!!!!

19 February 2005

ice cream!

eric and i went to coldstone and ate ice cream tonight!!!!=)

wowie zowie!!!!!!!!=)

look! i'm up early on a saturday!!!!! and, i'm not lying about the time on this one either!=) eric is in morgantown visiting me...YAY!!!! and, let's see....oh, i did really well on all 5 of my tests this past week!!!!!! darla thing for studying my ass off forever and actually knowing everything on all of the tests! (i actually feel very intelligent for once.) coocoocachoo! and, snaps for me. and, the wiggling thumb thing too. do it. love it.

15 February 2005


today is an absolutely gorgeous day outside! it's february 15th, and it's a balmy 60 degrees outside and sunny...yay!!! the nice weather made me happy and warm-weather-tempered, so i am eating a bowl of chopped mangos, pineapples, and some other exotic fruit for lunch right now. it's yummy=) i also went tanning on my way back from class, so i'm enjoying being non-pasty for a while now! english 221 wasn't the most exciting class, but is it ever? it was bearable. before that, i had math class. woo. hoo. i hate math...especially math that is centered around symbolic logic (aka: the devil). anyway, even math wasn't so bad today; i printed the lecture out (in which every one of the prs questions & answers were printed), so that made my life a bit easier. i had the unfortunant luck of having to sit behind the scrubby girl who likes to flip her greasy hair onto the desk of the person behind her...ew. anyway, andy seemed to get a big kick out of watching me jump backwards and yank my notebook to safety every single time she the girl sitting on the other side of me spent the entire class hacking, coughing, sniffing, wheezing, snorting, gargling, and sighing. i'm not really sure why she came to class, but she made me feel like her illness was leaping all over me. grossness. i had to go wash my hands before i went to my next class. that was my day...and, just think--it's not even 12:30 yet! i'm sure you're all just dying for my next blog posting...=)

roses & rainy days

today is valentines day. but, i'm in morgantown, and my dearest valentine is an hour north of morgantown; not exactly ideal, but that's life. i got some cookies and such in spanish class; that cheered me up. but, then i had to go take a brit lit test, so the cheery mood was dissapated entirely too quickly. later, i walked into the mountain lair and met with a zillion and one valentiney arrays. there was a group of godly souls handing out free cookies and hot chocolate. there was a table selling several different kinds of ourageously priced candy. there were about 5 tables selling flowers...these were the only tables that i actually saw people flocking to. a few feet away was a guessing jar of condoms ("hint: there are more condoms in this jar than calories burned in a 15 minute make-out session"), compliments of the student health center. there were the two dualing student government election tables sitting ridiculously close to one another. and, of course, there were the usual sorority/fraternity stations. hectic and chaotic? yes. sweet and valentiney? not in my book. and, it rained. i don't like rain. i came home and did homework. lots and lots of homework...i even did some of the wrong homework! that pissed me off. i quit and watched "the gilmore girls". a guy came to the door delivering flowers. that was exciting--but they weren't for me, so screw that excitement factor. nevertheless, our kitchen is pretty and rose-scented, thanks to

13 February 2005


yesterday, i was in three different states. and, i puked. it was red and very gross. eric cleaned it was in his bedroom and all over most everything. i felt really bad...still do. anyway, i'm REALLY glad that he wasn't angry and didn't throw me out or (just goes to show that i do, indeed, have the best boyfriend ever!!!!!!) I LOVE YOU, ERIC!!!!!!!!!!! and, thank you for everything last night!

09 February 2005


today was a wonderfully shitty, that is. it was just misty enough for me to not want to open my umbrella for fear of looking silly carrying umbrella in the rain-lacking day, yet i was getting damp. not wet, just damp. i hate damp. i didn't use the umbrella between classes. but, i opened the thing up on my way home. then, it got windy; i had to walk with the giant purple umbrella at a 45 degree angle toward my right side. then, just past the morgantown public library, i ran into a tree. no, i did not brush my umbrella against a branch or two; i ran smack into the damn thing! and, it was all because i had an umbrella in front of my head. did lots of people see me? i do believe so; there were lots of people around. i laughed really hard, then i felt even dumber because i was laughing in the middle of the rain all alone. whether they saw my tree run in or not, nobody came and laughed with me in the rain. sigh. upon regaining my dampened composure, i shut umbrella and finished walking to my house. without an umbrella, shakespeare got all wet. i felt bad for him, and, of course, dried him off as soon as i got home.


i'm wearing penguin underwear today!!!!=)

mardi gras!

i was ill today. deathly ill. for about 5 hours...and, i'm all better now!=) you all should send me cards and flowers anyway.

i really like taking showers!=) i've taken 2 of them within the last 1o hours. "cleanliness is next to godliness"...and since i don't tend to be the most godly person on earth, i ought to stay clean, eh?! really, can anybody honestly say that they don't like that just-got-out-of-the-shower clean feeling?! uh, no. it's the best feeling in the world! next to being loved...but, c'mon, who loves a dirty person?

thing 1's nose is dirty. maybe i'll bathe him tomorrow. i sure hope his 1 doesn't wash off; that would be a catastrophe. remember when i mashed thing 1 into my scanner and scanned him? haha, he was cute! was spatrick in the same situation=)

08 February 2005

gore, light, attire, & education

i cut a large gash in my leg tonight...with a laundry basket. it hurt. and, it bled a whole lot more than i ever thought a laundry basket-related injury would.

one of the bulbs in my bedroom lamp is out. there are 3 bulbs, but only 2 of them are presently in working order. it's bothering me, but we have no new light bulbs; i used the last of them when i replaced the porch light.

i just decided that i definately have a new favorite shirt! it's black and flowy and has red flowers on it. and lots of red sparkles!!!! it's way cute! yea, it kinda sounds ugly, but it's cute! i like it a lot, anyway. my mom bought it for me on saturday (along with 6 other shirts!!!), and i jsut tried it on for the first time...hence my newfound liking of the clothing.

i hate homework. and school...mostly.


tonight, i went to coldstone creamery with my lovely roommates. coldstone is my newest favorite place--definately has the best ice cream on earth! they have lots and lots and lots of different things to put in ice cream, and then they mash it all into your ice cream...on a COLD STONE! omg, it's so good. and, the shop is very cute=) many snaps for coldstone. my rating: 5 (out of 5; on tiffany's ice cream store ranking scale).

*note: i have decided to quit posting what i do every day on here. well, i might start again someday, but i'm not for a while; my life is too monotonous. i think i'll write random essays and/or bits of information (ie a list of things i do/don't like!) about me. love it.

07 February 2005

stuff i like=)

stuff i like:
(in random order)
eric, friends, the fuzz, funfetti cake, flowers, hand lotion, peanut butter, new clothes, new shoes, dvds, spongebob squarepants, lipgloss, memories, love, signs, kangaroos, colorful hair bands, music, febreze, pictures, boys, cell phones, sprite, hot showers, graduation, blacklights, grapes, new york, butterflies, matchbox twenty, cousins, poetry, pizza, trident white gum, earrings, glitter lamps, writing, alfredo sauce, thongs, cd’s, the little mermaid, wheeling, hoodies, quarters, makeup, ice cream, walmart, endorphins, bubbles, bowling, my hair, hearts, striped couches, eric, toasters, playgrounds, hugs, waffles, christmas lights, beaches, strawberry banana orange juice, dicarlos pizza, movies, aim, trees, sparkles, posters, haircuts, football games, homecoming, prom, dancing, badminton, lucky charms cereal, deodorant, salt & pepper shakers, bright lights, laughing, ethernet, colored pens, romantic comedies, fountains, england, clocks that tick, windows, plaid stuff, me, ravioli, concerts, jokes, vitamins, malls, new towels, intuition razors, lakes, piers, sunny days, cappuccino, remote controls, red roses, taking walks, wvu, pajama pants, corkboards, dorm rooms, eric, microwaves, skittles, bunny silverware, sleep, rented movies, nail polish, wheat thins, canadians, sweaters, fastidious stuff, 11:30 classes, black shirts, fruit salad, sweat pants, old cemeteries, heritage port, the wheeling suspension bridge, giggling, 12:34am, 12:34pm, six flags, roommates, mirrors, glow-in-the-dark stuff, my mom, my grandma, goldfish, flip flops, hot chocolate with marshmallows, wheeling park, all that jazz, the prt, eric, church people, celery, fingernail clippers, comedians, babies, tank tops, cactuses, dau speitenfuguen, jaywalking, bobby pins, newspapers, chicken tenders, cameras, psychology, hair clips, jason mraz, bumblebees, tapioca pudding, sunsets, heaters, virus scanners, free stuff, water, my coats, toothpaste, autumn, cats, microfridges, body spray, good books, pink, geico commercials, stuffed animals, beads, buddy icons, eric!

stuff i don't like=(

stupid people, dogs, bleach, dirt, smelly people, puking, blood, math, snoring, colds, wvu's newspaper, lentil soup, 8:30 classes, straight vodka, mud, popup ads, stinky stuff, the prt, bugs, SNAKES, bats, spoiled milk, viruses, tests, germs, research papers, wolves, chinese food, chemistry, indian ra guys, dust, annoying people, cold weather, snow, school food, flourescent lights, mean people, dial-up internet connections, falling into lakes, hangnails, the dark, waking up, crumbs, songs that dont dl right, psycho jewish people, fingerprints on glass, split ends, scary boys, coming home to a trashed house.

06 February 2005

are we there yet?

i went to the movies tonight with eric and his little sister (long story as to why she came along). anyway, it was a lot of fun! i wasn't expecting a bad night by any means, but still, it was a lot better than i thought!=) we went to washington (bc our theatre is "under construction" hah!), and we saw "are we there yet?" haha, funny movie. after the movie, we all went to grecos for a few minutes. adam and i used to eat there every tuesday for several months back in our high school days....good times. anyway, after that stop, we all went back to eric's house. overall, it was a jolly good evening!=) I LOVE YOU, ERIC!!!!!!!!!!

02 February 2005

learn me!!!

01.) Name:: tiffany
02.) Middle Name:: leanne

03.) DOB:: december 30, 1984
04.) Age:: 20!
05.) Location:: morgantown, wv
06.) Eye Color:: green
07.) Hair Color:: brown
08.) Hair Length:: i'm getting it cut on saturday!
09.) Height:: 5'4"
10.) Shoe Size:: 8
11.) Glasses or Contacts:: hah!
12.) Piercings:: ears
13.) Single or Taken:: all taken up=)
14.) Bad Habits:: procrastination
15.) Fears:: snakes, wolves, dogs, strangers, water, etc
16.) Screen Name:: tiffy123084
17.) Where Do You Go to School:: good ol' dubya v
18.) What's your school mascot: a mountaineer
19.) What are your school colors: blue & gold
20.) What's your favorite subject: english!!!!
21.) Who's your favorite teacher: byron nelson
22.) What do they teach: bristish literature & shakespeare
23.) Who sits next to you in Math class: andrew
Love Life :

24.) Do You Have a Boyfriend/ Girlfriend:: i have a boyfriend
25.) If So, What's His/Her Name:: eric
26.) If So, How Long Have You Been Together:: 10 months and 7 days=)

27.) Do You Have a Crush:: just eric!
28.) Do They Know:: i'm believe
29.) Have You Ever Broken Someones Heart:: i diassected a pig's heart once
30.) Have You Ever Had Your Heart Broken:: perhaps
Favorites :
31.) Animal:: the fuzz!!!!!!

32.) Color:: pink
33.) Person:: eric
34.) Subject:: english & linguistics
35.) Season:: summer!!!!
36.) Holiday:: christmas & new years eve
37.) Hobby:: i have no hobbies

38.) Sport:: i like to go to football games
39.) Feeling:: being loved
40.) Saying:: "darla thing!!!!!!"
41.) Word:: won't
42.) Month:: july or december
43.) Clothing:: black & white stuff, jeans w/ heels
44.) Jewelry:: sparkly stuff
45.) Food:: strawberries
46.) Snack:: strawberries
Friends :
47.) Best:: i don't rank my friends=)

48.) Daringest:: *most daring: eric...because he likes roller coasters and isn't afraid of water lol
49.) Funniest:: adam
50.) Tallest:: chelsea with her boots on
51.) Shortest:: ashley
52.) Loudest:: dani
53.) Shyest:: me
54.) Smartest:: that kid with the bandana in logic...just bc he knew logic
55.) Blondest:: amy
56.) Blobbiest:: my blob=)
57.) Nicest:: rachel ball
58.) Sweetest:: eric ;-)
59.) Weirdest:: dani
60.) Flirtiest:: adam's blob ;-*
Have You Ever :
61.) Had a Wish Come True:: sure

62.) Had a Dream Come True:: most likely
63.) Broken a Body Part:: i dislocated my pinky finger once=(
64.) Fallen in Love:: i hopped
65.) Done Something You Regret:: haven't we all?
66.) Tripped and Fell in Public:: umm...i fell down the stairs at towers once, but it wasn't really in was really funny though!
67.) Sang in Public:: unfortunately, yes
68.) Cryed in Public:: yes
69.) Kissed Someone Besides Family:: yes
70.) Been in a Car Crash:: not a real crash
The Last :
71.) Thing You Did Before Getting on the Computer:: got a drink

72.) Person You Yelled at:: i don't know; i hate yelling
73.) Person You Hugged:: dani
74.) Person You IMed:: i'm iming lots of people right now
75.) Time You Cleaned Your Room:: friday
76.) Song You were Listening to:: "get right" bc i like the song a lot...especially the offbeat horn!
77.) TV Show You Watched:: american idol

78.) Movie You Watched:: eurotrip
79.) Time You went to the Movies:: i donno...haha, when eric and i went to see "closer"!!!!
80.) Time You Cryed:: sunday
81.) You Took a Shower:: last night
This OR That :
82.) Coke OR Pepsi:: diet pepsi

83.) Tall OR Short:: taller than me
84.) Flowers OR Candy:: flowers...of the rose or daisy sort
85.) Math OR English:: definitely english!
86.) Blink 182 OR Sugarcult:: jason mraz=)

87.) Mickey OR Minnie:: donald duck
88.) Middle School OR High School:: college
89.) Boyfriend OR Girlfriend:: my boyfriend=)
90.) Single OR Taken:: taken
Word Association :
91.) bead:: indians

92.) bed:: my blue penguin blanket
93.) sexy:: victoria's secret
94.) phone:: i love my phone
95.) tough:: football players
96.) neato:: burrito
97.) leather:: wilsons

98.) weird:: my life
99.) so:: sew
100.) easy:: english
101.) test:: class
102.) nerd:: middle school
103.) falling:: water!
104.) air:: oxygen
105.) hot:: summer=)
Random :
106.) Do you sleep with a stuff animal:: no=(

107.) Do you like snowballs:: i hate snow
108.) Are you in school:: i'm in my house
109.) Do you like to swim:: yes
110.) Are you funny:: hell, yea!=)
111.) What do you think of water:: i'm scared of it. and, it's yummy!
112.) Are you a blonde at heart:: hmm...nah
113.) Have you ever been to maryland:: yes...that was a stupid question
114.) Have you seen "Chasing Liberty":: no...and, that was even dumber

115.) Are you happy this survey is over:: sure...and it should be "are you GLAD THAT this survery is over?" ...moron non-english majors

it's february!!!!!

today i woke up. i was really tired. ugh. (didn't sleep very well last night=() anyway, i stumbled downtown for math class. boringness. andrew is funny. we make fun of people...yay! i'm definately sick of this whole prs system nonsense. everyone in the class has a remote control thingy, and he asks us questions and we all have to type in our answers to get credit....pain in the ass! but, the questions are on the lectures that i print before class, so it's easy!lol after class, i came home because 221 was cancelled! i sat around for a long time doing nothing. i talked to my dad on the phone for a little bit. then, i found a new buddy icon! i made it hersheys kisses bc it's almost valentines day! and, i've eaten a lot of chocolate kisses this week. girly grossness. anyway, after that, i drank some red koolaid and cut out paper snowflakes. happies! i called eric and talked to him all the way downtown..yay! then, i went to linguistics class. that was a fun time. i think i'll try and learn spanish sometime soon. ...after 8 years, i might as well!lol after class, i came home and sat. then, i talked to eric on the cellular again. i think i watched some television. oh, and my new pajamas came in the mail! yay!=) they're cute. adam called me out of desperation because he was being a loser in the mountain lair all by himself....teehee! later, he came to my house!=) we went to walmart. there was a lovely lady in a pink coat and pink boots crying. hah. we came back to my house (without the crying pink lady) and watched american idol! yay!!! after that, we watched "eurotrip"...i watched the nazi boy part 3 times...lmao...and i cried every time!=)

01 February 2005


i miss eric. a whole lot.

everytime our eyes meet,
this feeling inside me,
is almost more than i can take,
baby, when you touch me,
i can feel how much you love me,
and it just blows me away,
i've never been this close to anyone or anything,
i can hear your thoughts,
i can see your dreams.
i don't know how you do what you do,
i'm so in love with you, it just keeps getting better,
i wanna spend the rest of my life with you by my side,
forever and ever,
every little thing that you do,
baby, i'm amazed by you.
the smell of your skin,
the taste of your kiss,
the way you whisper in the dark,
your hair all around me, baby, you surround me,
you touch every place in my heart,
oh, it feels like the first time, everytime,
i wanna spend the whole night in your eyes.
don't know how you do what you do,
im so in love with you, it just keeps getting better,
iwanna spend the rest of my life with you by my side,
forever and ever,
every little thing that you do,
baby, i'm amazed by you.
every little thing that you do,
i'm so in love with you,
it just keeps getting better,
i wanna spend the rest of my life with you by my side,
forever and ever,
every little thing that you do,
oh, every little thing that you do,
baby, i'm amazed by you...