tiffany leanne

aujourd'hui de mon vivant...

22 March 2007


Since I have not felt the need to write anything about anything in this blog for four months, I have decided that it is now time for a long-awaited update.
I am a senior in her second semester of her last year of college. I only have 15 more days of class. Then a week of nothingness. Then COMPS. Then a week of fun. Then graduation!
Next year, I will be doing something that is yet to be anounced. It may or may not consist of moving to Europe and teaching ESL for a year.
Yesterday was the first day of spring, and it's beautiful outside! I love heat and sunshine with all that is in me. I also love crocuses and wind.
For lunch, I ate an egg salad sandwhich, some doritoes, and some orange juice. For breakfast, I had a bagel and some water.
Last night, we had a Japanese birthday party for my blonde-haird, blue eyed roommate. We ate fortune cookies and sat under lovely paper lanterns.
Eric and I will have been "officially" dating for 3 years on Monday. Obviously, I decided this was a legitimate reason for me to postpone my night class until Wednesday so that we can go on some sort of a romantic adventure.
Perhaps I will get back into the habit of blogging daily, or at least weekly. For now, I am insanely busy, so this will have to do. Whomever it was to say that senior year is a breeze was sorely mistaken.