tiffany leanne

aujourd'hui de mon vivant...

30 September 2005


well, last night i got to edit the entire bethany college political journal. my roommate is the layout design person, and, apparently, the real editors dropped or something. so i got to do it; i found lots of mistakes. and, i found lots of poli sci majors who i greatly disagree with their political views!
i did very well on that religion test that i was worried about!! i'm really glad that work ended up not happening last night, because it made me come home and learn the entire original view of "the satan" from creation to the ressurection. i briefly looked over the answers after i turned the test in, and i believe that i missed one. maybe two. but, there were 63 questions, so i'm good.
"automatic doors murdered chivalry." that made me almost chuckle. and, despite being remotely humourous, it's sadly close to the truth.
things i ate today: a multi-vitamin, a grilled cheese sandwich, a glass of apple juice.
amors de terra lonhdana,
per vos totz lo cors mi dol;
e no'n puesc trobar mezina
si non au vostre reclam
ab atraich d'amor doussana
dinz vergier o sotz cortina
ab dezirada companha.

29 September 2005


i'm supposed to be at work right now...BUT I'M NOT!!!!!! oooh. actually, i was there for the first shift, then i went and ate dinner, then i came back for the second shift--and no supervisor ever showed up!!! so we left. but, i'm actually glad bc i have a lot of stuff to do tonight (although writing this blog is obviously taking priority...).
things i ate today: a multi-vitamin, an applesauce, a granola bar, a grilled cheese sandwich, tator tots, a rice crispy treat, flat root beer, a chicken patty, about 8 french fries, and 1/2 of a sprite. hmm, yea. and, on the menu for the cafe tomorrow: grease patties, fried lard balls, and double-dipped sucrose brownies!! yum.
it was soooo cold today!! i don't even think that it ever even reached 60. i see no difference between 50 and -30; they're all just torture! i think that i have officially started my annual 8 month period of freezing.
i got to train a girl at work tonight. i'm not really sure why, because it's not hard...but oh well. i taught her to make calls and to run the computer program. then i just had to make the calls, and she did all of my computer work for me!!=)
i think i would very much like to shower; i've felt like it all day for some reason. maybe i'll do that before i study too--and, it's not even procrastinating bc this is still on my work time!!
my wastebasket is full of crumpled kleenex and empty water bottles. again. what a pitiful life. i'm always sick for about 8 months out of the year too; think it has something to do with my eternal coldness.
psych lab was fun today; i got to be blindfolded and walk around the room to see if i'd "sense" where the wall was, or if i'd run into it...hmm. i ran into it. more than once.
i started this blog exactly one year ago today. and, just look at us now; 365 days and 377 posts later, here we are!
it's times like these that i REALLY wish eric were here with me. and, by that, i mean the times when i'm breathing, of course.

28 September 2005


my french test was sucky today; i completely blanked out and didn't even have a clue for like 5 of the words. *sigh.* but, we have a grammar test on friday in there, and i'm good at grammar!lol
things i ate today: a multi-vitamin, a peanut-butter sandwich, apple juice, ravioli, some wheat thins, and a bowl of pineapple rings.
no work for me tonight!!!!=) snaps. instead, i slept for 2 hours, had a super weird dream, reviewed origins for a loooong time, wrote a psych lab report, researched visby architecture, and started memorizing my 25 lines of beowulf.
cure for being TIRED and moody: wear pink!! a pink shirt, pink sparkly flip flops, and a pink ribbon in your hair really does wonders for cheeriness!=) fun underwear helps too.
my roommate gave me a beeeeeautiful folder for my psych lab tonight! it has yellow and pink dots on it. yay for nice roommates!
my roses are all opened up now, and they're making my room smell lovely!=) my boyfriend is the best person in the whole, wide world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have sooo mnay tests this week! but, origins isn't until monday, so i have my whole weekend to devote to my struggle of keeping dr hull from totally screwing my gpa royally. i have to study a lot for religion on friday too; it could be easy, but it could be tough. we shall see...
i think i'll write my grandma a letter tonight!=) she sent me a card last week, and tomorrow is my typical post office visiting day, so i'll send her something back. yay for grandmas!!

27 September 2005


my boyfriend sent me 18 red roses at work today!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that's one for every month that we've been dating, for those of you who are lost...) it made me SUPER happy, and it made me miss him a lot!!lol but, it was really sweet, and i very much appreciate it (thank you soo much, darling!)!
i called canada 4 times and spain 2 times today!! haha, the canadians were for work, and the spain was, duh, for my man. the canadians were really nice! um...yea, eric was really nice too!!! (didn't mean to imply anything bad with that!lol)
wellness was cancelled for today. i took major advantage of the time and fell asleep for an hour with my origins notes and french vocab. haha.
things that i ate today: a multi-vitamin, an applesauce, a cheese sandwich, cheeze-its, a grilled cheese sandwich, french fries, and a dr pepper. oh, i was a healthy one today, wasn't i? haha, posting my diet on here is making me notice these things! i suppose the next step would be to get healthy.
i called people all night at work, then i came home and called eric, then i called my mom. we talked until i lost my voice. mucho weirdness; it was fine, then totally gone within like 5 minutes. maybe i ought not chat so much. hah.
I MISS ERIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yea, yea, i know...whine, whine, whine. but, i don't care; i miss him. this long distance thing isn't fun. but, i do get to take a trip to europe bc of it, so that's some

26 September 2005


rain, rain, rain! go away. it rained on & off all day long, and i didn't like it. the power has also gone off about 1,000 times within the past 24 hours around here. why?! it's starting to irritate me, but i've been told that it happens fairly often; it's never been out for more than a few seconds though, so that's good.
we started circuit training today in fitness. oh. my. god. it all started out good & well; we did crunches, jumping jacks, toe touches, etc. (regular things...!), and our teacher blared elton then we ran--we ran 15 laps around that gym!!!! and, i do mean RAN--no jogging! he yelled at anyone who slowed the pace. ugh, we were all sooo sweaty and gross at the end. how many laps around that gym is a mile? i donno, but i RAN 15 and, there were lots of people behind me! haha. it hurt to walk up the hill back here though.
work tonight was the usual highly entertaining experiance. hah! i really dislike this alumni calling business. but, once again, they were all really nice, and i made lots of money. it's funny bc some of them just want to donate money and get off the phone as fast as possible, and some of them want to talk about the college for 20 minutes.
i called my house today and talked to my brother for a very long time. we had nice chuckle over some extended family affairs, then we just talked for almost an hour. how weird is it that my lil brothers are big now, and i can talk to them like normal people?! and, they're both way bigger than me now--super weird!lol
how about that puppy in florida that swallowed a 13-inch knife?! owner: "she wants to eat anything and everything." yea, apparently. but, she's perfectly okay now; the vet just had to chop her open and remove it! i'm glad that she was okay...but, still. that's a very odd
i was actually considering changing my blog address again the other night and refusing to give it to anyone but a select few. but, i just don't think that i'm going to do that now! well, maybe. i still just don't even know what to think about those all i do is laugh whenever i think about it!! call me weird, but "you're obsessed with yourself and need a new hobby!", "you suck!", and all of those other accusations just don't seem like teasing to me!
well, guess what today is?!?! it's 3 major world holidays: 1. eric and i have been dating for a year & a half hoy!!!!!; 2. australia is celebrating the queen's brithday today!; 3. it's the canterbury anniversary today in new zealand (canterbury isn't in new zealand, but okay...).
babbie - v : to talk inarticulately or incoherently; to chatter excessively or irrelevantly; to murmur. isn't that a great word? i'm glad that i learned it, and you ought to be glad that you've learned it now, as well!
hey, they arrested that mother who's been protesting the war. after she left gw's ranch a few weeks ago, she suddenly reappeared at the white house today with a bunch of followers. then, they all sat in the middle of pennsylvania avenue, chanted, and refused to they arrested them. yay! she was the first to be arrested, and she was smiling. hmm. i do heart president bush!
things i ate today: a multi-vitamin, half of a yogurt, a fruit & grain bar, a pizza sandwich, some cheeze-its, pink gatorade, 2 chocolate chip cookies, dr pepper, & some easy mac.
um, so those pictures on here from last night are suddenly working again. can anybody else see them? i think they just randomly show up on
i really wish eric were here with me.


lmao!!!!!!! okay, the entire mean comments on my blog situation has been making me laugh for like 45 minutes i had some annoyances last summer with miss "zoey jane" and her rude reflections, so i changed my blog address. i only gave the address to about 15 people, so when she returned, i had her identity narrowed down. but, gee, i never thought it'd be this easy to bust her! fyi: when you post a comment on my blog, it is immediately emailed to my account; deleting it does not get rid of that email!!!
EMAIL ONE: Dear cousin, I cannot see the pictures you attempted to post. Can you please post them again?
--Posted by Zoey Jane to tiffany leanne at 9/26/2005 09:17:55 AM
EMAIL TWO: HAHAHAHAHA! You suck! You can't even post a picture correctly!
--Posted by Zoey Jane to tiffany leanne at 9/26/2005 09:22:55 AM
soooooo, yea, laugh hard and enjoy the stupidity. god, i love my "family" so much. obviously the first comment was deleted by the author on my site, but i thought i'd post it up for all ya'll to read anyway! omg, it just totally made my day!lol seriously. i haven't laughed that long in quite some time. but, why be sickeningly sweet to my face and be mean under a code name? ooooh, i see now; you just imed me:
(4:43:15 PM): tiffy my dear, what else are cousins for? after all, if we can't tease you once (for me at least) in a while, then what CAN we do? i'm off to dance class for the little one. have a good day.
so you were only TEASING me. how cute. here's the deal: do NOT call me tiffy, stop leaving stupid comments on my blog, & stop emphasizing the fact that we are related every time that we talk; i'd rather not mention it. thanks so much!=)
and, btw, i do know that my pictures from last night aren't working. they worked until about 7:00 am this morning, then they quit. weirdness. maybe i'll repost them later. but, that's one BIG maybe.

18 months.

ERIC AND I HAVE BEEN "OFFICIALLY" DATING FOR A YEAR & A HALF TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=)

25 September 2005


aww, look, i'm posting pictures! yay. the first one is from my very first weekend at bethany with my lovely roommates! i was so tan--whatever happened to me?! pooey. and, the second picture is from the second or third weekend; it was right before we went to the foam yay for me having fun roommates!!!! and, i'm the tallest, so haha for that.
work was interesting tonight; we had to start solicitation calling. no me gusta. but, nobody was mean to me, and i made $505.00 for the bethany fund in just one night! woot. now they ought to take that off of my tuition, don't you think? or maybe just add like half of it as a bonus to my paycheck. oh well, all of you bethanians who have a merit scholarship can thank me for soliciting money for you.
things i ate today: a multi-vitamin, 1/2 a bowl of banana cereal, a turkey & cheese sandwich, 8 runts, some easy mac, 3/4 of a can of diet pepsi. and, lots of h2o!
i'm sick of school now. can't the semester be over??? i want to see my boyfriend...and, i don't want to do any more work!
i majorly cleaned my bedroom tonight. and, i did laundry this morning! everything is super clean and snazzy around here now.=)
wellness class is cancelled on tuesday; yay for no class, but frowns for no british teacher.
i've talked to eric on the phone for 2 days in a row now. hooray!!!! i miss him.

24 September 2005

1 month.

things that i have learned in my first month at bethany college:
* talking to a lot of people isn't as awkward as it should be.
* having my boyfriend living in a foreign country isn't very much fun.
* community laundry rooms make me lose my faith in humanity.
* cafe food is designed to shorten the average student's life expectancy.
* spray tanning is, in general, a bad idea.
* "hi, my name is tiffany, and i'm calling from bethany college; may i please speak with ___?"
* bethany college frat boys are assholes.
* dr elizabeth hull doesn't think that her students take any other classes.
* tae bo class is really fun...ny!
* one bar for an entire college is a bit dull.
* a small library sucks.
* dressing up for class is weird.
* it only costs $.80 to mail an envelope to spain.
* je, tu, il/elle/on, nous, vous, ils/elles = e, es, e, ons, ez, ent.
* having a sparkly lamp and sleeping under a canopy are fun things to do.
* bethany isn't nearly as scary as morgantown in the darkness.
* lemon vodka is utterly disgusting, especially if you don't like vodka or lemon.
* hurricanes can be really devastating and unpredictable.
* romanesque arches are rounded; gothic arches are pointed.
* i'm getting used to always being new at a school.
* sam's choice soda is really gross.
* my passport is printed in 3 different languages--all of which i can read!
* bethany college is sooo far from the real world.
* the #1 killer of adults in the usa is cardiovascular disease; cancer is #2.
* living below big boys is noisy.
* living across the hall from football players is noisy.
* being excited for something is great motivation.
* wvu doesn't end their department emails when people withdraw.
* homecoming is a super big deal here.
* fountain soda is just better.
* small campus = fast gossip & tons of cliques.
* british accents can make the most boring class fun.
* ignoring frustration doesn't make it better.
* a picture is worth a thousand words.
* there's no point in crying; it doesn't help.
* working at the call center is loads of fun!
* cheese nips are better than cheeze-its.
* ignorance always looks stupid.
* friendly people are the best.
* wearing a watch is a good habit.
* immature drama irritates me beyond belief.
* love letters are fun.
* it would be awfully nice if we got the travel channel aqui.
* class is more fun when your teacher wears a talking donkey hat.
* blogging and emailing are good outlets.
* 90% get up to $7,770.00.
* i'm the only one who drinks the dr pepper at work.
* bennett is a good sleeping companion, as is that blanket.
* emails from eric make my whole day happy!!
* boredom is common.
* being well-rounded is the best thing.

22 September 2005


happy autumn!!! enjoy it. i wore a shirt today that i really like, but can ONLY wear in the fall; it's very autumn colourish. so, i finally got to wear it today in celebration!lol
i went to work tonight for 2 shifts. we had solicitation training--so i got to sit through a 2 hour training session 2x. boringness!
things i ate today: a multi-vitamin, a granola bar, pesto chicken pasta, a salad, orange slice, pasta & tomato sauce, another salad, sierra mist, vanilla ice cream. so i never eat pasta; how did i eat it twice in one day?! and, i drank soda twice. hmmmmmm. oh, and i just ate some popcorn too.
contemplate the concept of popcorn. pretty cool, isn't it? bet'cha never really thought about that one before, did you? well, you probably aren't now either, but you could sometime later.
i have 155 friends on facebook now!!! (yes, over 150 is bragging rights area.) the majority of them are from wvu, but that's i heart facebook!
we get our argument statements back to revise tomorrow in origins!!! haha, i'm actually kinda excited; is that dorky? what if she doesn't give them back tomorrow? i'll be mad; i HATE when teachers keep things longer than 2 days! impatience is my virtue.
2 movies that i really want to see that are in theatres: "proof" and "just like heaven." the latter is a nice girly flick, and we have plans for a roommate date to go see it sometime.
i found $20 in the sand at the beach once. it was fun. erik (with a k!) went and casually sat on it so we could CASUALLY pick it
we did the pepsi challenge in psych lab today. actually, i made my partner do it bc i didn't want i conducted the experiment, and she was happy to take care of the soda drinking (slight blobbiness, if ya know what i mean...).
so i might get bored again this weekend. i actually like the weekdays better than the weekends bc i can keep myself busy. muy interisante. i think i'll go to spain for the weekend...


i love eric. a lot.

the end.

21 September 2005


well, well, well, once again, i have an anonymous and RUDE commenter. wtf?! if you're gonna leave a comment, put your name at the bottom; it's the least you can do! what prevents this--laziness or cowardice? i haven't quite decided yet. anyway, it's weird. and, if you're reading this again, i did, indeed, answer your go ahead and take a gander.
today was a loooooooooong day! but, i have survived, so all is well. here's how my day went: class, class (test!), reading for orgins, class, library to search for origins material, work, dinner to go, call center to start researching and eat the dinner, work, finish researching, write a paper! snaps. honestly, it wasn't bad at all--i like keeping busy. usually.
work was just fab today. i didn't call during the 3-5 shift; we went up to the old call center and hauled stuff down to the new place. then, i got to wash dishes and clean the kitchen in the alumni center...yea, i enjoy things like the 6-9 shift went very well. i'm learning to cope with rude people better, haha. and, i talked to a boy from jersey who is coming here for about 15 minutes, yay! then, my last call was with a girl from ohio, and we talked for over a half an hour!! we had a lot in common. haha.
i'm very awake. and, it's almost 1 am. yea...that's a bad thing!lol i don't know why i'm not dead tired; maybe it's bc i finally wrote that paper that i've be STRESSING about for over a week now! and, after the paper, we had some lovely roommate bonding time, so i like that.
things that i ate today: a multi-vitamin, a muffin, orange banana pineapple juice, cranberry tea, a hotdog, an apple, a grilled cheese sandwich, some french fries, a diet pepsi. hmm. oh well.

19 September 2005


avast, me hearties!! today is national talk like a pirate day!!!!!!! seriously, mateys. i heard it on the radio this morning while i was getting dressed! go to: and read all about it; it will make you chuckle. or be confused.
i took a french test this morning that was muy easy. snaps for that! i heart grammar--no matter what language!lol and, dr hull is still at some conference, so we had no origins today. woot. our panel met and discussed stuff...and they changed the country on me AGAIN, so now i hate them all.
things i ate today: a multi-vitamin, a yogurt, a granola bar, a turkey sandwhich, a banana, some frozen yogurt, vegetable pizza, 2 bites of salad, cranberry juice, and some m&m's. i ate some cheese nips at some point during today too, but i forget when. hmm, i ate a lot today.
work was fun tonight. my very last call was soooo exciting! it was this girl from fairmont who was kinda sorta interested in bethany, and she talked to me for 15 now she's WAY interested in bethany! yay! and, she wants to be a spanish major; i think that 75% of my really successful calls are spanish majors--i'm just good at them!lol nice calls make me really happy.
dear bethanians, i am not the person to complain to about not seeing your significant other; i have no sympathy. none. sure, it's stinky that you haven't seen prince charming in 4 days (or even 3 weeks!), but deal with it. i don't get to see my boyfriend until december, and that SUCKS! even so, we'll live. i just wish people would quit bitching about their boyfriends--i don't sympathize about your 10 day separation; i'm jealous!
how long has school been in session? like 4 weeks? well, i already have the bethany bug that's going around. why do i ALWAYS get the plague when school starts?! ugh. *cough, cough* and, it makes my job a bit tedious bc i have to sit there cheerfully chatting while, at the same time, my throat is tickling & hurting, and my eyes are watering.
today is respect for the aged day in japan. i respect the elderly and all, but i think i do enjoy national talk like a pirate day a little bit more!

18 September 2005


this is my number 365 post on blogger. yay! now that would be even more exciting if it was my one year anniversary of starting or something, but i don't typically write a post per day. i do sometimes, but i tend to skip days and/or write 3+ in a day. oh well.
apparently, the full moon in september is called "the harvest moon." so, without any further ado, happy harvest moon! i feel like we should all be sitting around eating popcorn balls and telling ghost stories or something. any takers? well, come over before sunrise, and we'll see what we can do.
at some point during last year, i started keeping a little notebook of random facts, memories, quotes, dreams, letters, etc. i was looking through it tonight dousing myself with old memories and having a few chuckles. here are a few particularly humourous quotes: "put some ROLL OUT! water in there..." (drunk adam), "the ultimate goal is liquification!" (drunk me; can i invent great words, or what?!), "are you calling me fat?!" *break through trash can lid and falls* (drunk adam), "she was the kind of kid who would step on your sandcastle!" (jackie), "you all look so unhappy--like you're in a waiting room at the cancer center!" (dr. nelson--favourite teacher ever!!!). okay, maybe i have a weird sense of humour, but those all made me laugh really hard!=)
i miss wvu!!!!! for real. don't get me wrong; i totally like bethany, but i do miss wvu quite a bit! i miss the weekends and the house parties and the football games! i went home this weekend and watched the wvu game with my brothers, and i really wished that i was still in motown. maybe getting maced was a bit unpleasant, but the morgantown party scene really is quite extraordinary. the bethany bar is nice and all--but it's not the same. i miss going out and drinking with adam!!! and, i miss going over to jason's house to watch the game, bbq food, and drink beer with everybody! wvu fb games are just sooo much fun (well, maybe not when you're in pitt and it's -30 degrees!lol)!!! i think i just miss that the most bc bethany football sucks ass. fo' real.
the dorm that i live in was built by mexicans.
i ate a turkey sandwhich for supper. and some juice.
i'm still mad at that girl who hung up on me at work today. her name was christina; i could tell you lots more, but that would be unprofessional, which i am not!=)
may 26th: "i'm going to be absolutely miserable while you're far away in spain. MISERABLE. & bored. & lonely. & sad. & dull. & quiet." i think maybe i am.
my roommate and i broke into work tonight so we could drop off some snacks. it was fun.
you know what i wish i had? unlimited wishes. and a big, blue genie. and my boyfriend aqui.
my favourite french word is aujourd' hui; it means today. i have a french grammar test tomorrow.
people in general just annoy me.
i really heart my bedroom. and, i got another compliment on it tonight!!!=)
quite a number of people simply didn't show up for work tonight. i hope they all get fired. hah. they should've at least called in! or, you know...just come to work.
i really want to see the eiffel tower.
i wish i was in spain. navarra, spain. pamplona, navarra, spain. eric's apartment, pamplona, navarra, spain!


life is swell. i was really lonely on friday night, so i called my mommy and went home for about 24 hours. (it's really weird that i'm close enough to do that now!) home was jolly; i got to see the fuzz!! my mom helped me make those really cool pillow covers (they're on my bed now, and they're way fun!), and took me grocery shopping (she bought me lots of healthy non-cafe food to live on!). sleeping in my own bed was graaaaaaaaaand! and, i got a nice supper of chicken! then, my boyfriend called me for about 3 minutes, but it was still nice because i missed him a lot. i came back up to bethany really late on saturday night. my roommates were all still at home, so i just hung out with myself for the evening, and it was nice. seriously; i really do enjoy just spending time in my own company from time to time.
i got up this morning and talked to eric on aim for about an hour, yay! then i cleaned the bathroom. i discovered "dancing with the stars" on cbs, and immediately became obsessed. too bad the show is over now, and i was watching the entire season marathon. but, it was nice bc i didn't have to wait!lol i went to work for 2 hours, which was was very depressing today; i talked to several rude/short people, and one girl hung up on me!!! i wasn't very happy about calling in general today, but then i talked to a few cheery souls, so it was all good. i'm still mad at that girl for hanging up on me though--and, i definately DID put her on the tcc list (CALL BACK!!). hah. people are dumb; do they not know that i have their personal info (phone #, address, school, activities, major, SS#!!!!!). gosh. i could so screw your life up if i had the motivation...and was that mean. so don't hang up on meee!!!!!!!!
after work, i came back here. woot. laura came home, and we ate crackers and watched the end of the "dancing with the stars" season. yay for kelly! i really enjoyed yup, that's about all for today. boredom has set in. i really need to work on my origins arguement statement for wednesday, but i have no motivation (she doesn't accept first drafts, so why should i really try on the first one?). we have a meeting tomorrow, and i'm going to go to the library tomorrow before work and do some stuff for it, then i'll be more motivated. maybe.
i didn't blog for 2 days, and they were both holidays! ugh. so, happy independence day for mexico on friday! happy citizinship in the good ol' usa on saturday! and, happy chinese mid-autumn festival today! tonight is also a full moon...i suppose that probably is why it's mid-autumn in china, eh? anyway, it's still summer here; autumn starts on thursday though!!
i'm not telling you what i ate on friday or saturday, because i don't feel like remembering! today i ate: a multi-vitamin, a poptart, some mac & cheese, orange pineapple banana juice, some vanilla frozen yogurt, and some wheat thins. i might eat more later, but you'll never know...

16 September 2005


10 Names You Go By
1. tiffany.
2. tiffy.
3. tiff (you'd better ask before you try it!) .
4. roommate.
5. eric's girlfriend.

6. eric bennett's girlfriend.
7. miss frank.
8. teresita.
9. ynaffit.
10. hey you.

9 Things You Can't Live Without
1. water.
2. my boyfriend.
3. friends.
4. family.
5. the cellular.
6. my pc.
7. chapstick.
8. grammar.
9. pizza.
8 Of Your Favorite Foods
1. dicarlos pizza from the grove.
2. strawberries.

3. chicken rice casserole.
4. vanilla frozen yogurt.
5. bread.

6. ranch dressing.
7. taco salad.
8. cashews.
7 Of Your Favorite Memories From The Past Year
1. transferring to bethany.
2. going to the beach.
3. working olders daycamp.
4. going to dc with my boyfriend.
5. christmas & christmas eve.
6. spending lots of time with eric.
7. learning lots of new stuff in classes.
6 People You Admire
1. my mommy.
2. president bush.

3. my boyfriend in spain.
4. queen elizabeth.
5. hmm.
6. i really don't honestly admire too very many people.
5 Of Your Favorite Inside Jokes
1. the dau hoax.
2. well, i
3. don't remember
4. any more.
5. but, there are lots! haha. (now be helpful and leave comments mentioning some!!)
4 Things You Just Can't Do
1. touch my nose with my tongue.
2. speak french with no spanish mixed in.
3. be dirty.
4. be not ocd.
3 Songs You Have Stuck In Your Head
1. "shut up"; black eyed peas.
2. "under the sea"; the little mermaid.

3. "eyes like yours"; shakira.
2 Of Your Favorite Mottos
1. "those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream by night."
2. "baby, slow down; the end is not as fun as the start. please stay a child somewhere in your heart."
Your Reason To Live
1. well, i don't really want to be dead in a box in the ground; yea, that'd be my main reason. but, i like my life a whole lot, so that's another one! and, i heart my boyfriend!!!=)

15 September 2005


guess what, people?!?!?!?!?!?! i got my passport today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! now i can run away to be with my boyfriend en espana!! i was really, really excited when i got it!lol
i have a french vocabulary quiz manana. death. i know most of it, but i ought to look over it a little bit more.
work was jolly tonight; i called people for 2 hours straight...and talked to 2 of them. i hate people who aren't home. but, after dinner, i talked to several fun people, so snaps for that. i convinced at least 2 girls to come visit! and, i got lots of others to ask me for more info to be mailed!=) i'm a great seller for this bethany college.
things i ate today: a multi-vitamin, a cereal bar, a turkey wrap, a salad, a few bites of gross yogurt, some cranberry apple juice, pizza, more salad, more cranberry apple juice, and a banana. nice. haha, maybe i shouldn't eat in the cafe more than once a day!
funny, funny thing that happened in wellness today! picture this: a smart british chap in the front of the room with a pen in his left hand randomly & cheerily saying (in his fabulous accent!) , "don't look at the answers, or you will be stabbed in the eyes with this black pen!" *humourous!*
i'm wearing eric's socks...they're too big, but i had no choice this morning. maybe i ought to go do laundry. blah.
i'm considering going home this weekend because all of my roommates are, so i'll be bored. on the other hand, it might be a good opportunity for me to start this origins researching. and, i work at 3 on sunday. oh well, we'll see tomorrow.

14 September 2005


today was the most exciting day of my life. oh, hahaha, i'm kidding! got'cha. hmm. well, actually i did have a very fun 111 minutes today!!!! other than that, my day was pretty uneventful.
class, class, class...gotta love it. i was sooo tired today that class was torture. social problems was boring. french just annoyed me (i usually like it!!). religion made me sleepy. origins was, as usual, very informative; i learned the difference between romanesque and gothic architectures. on the way home from dinner, i noticed that the architecture of commencement hall is definately gothic--in almost every single aspect that we learned about! (think i can get bonus by telling her that manana?)
after class, i ordered a phone card thingy online. then, I CALLED MY BOYFRIEND IN SPAIN!!!!!!! YAY! we got to talk for 111 minutes, which was way longer than the 3 other times that we've talked since he left totaled! it made me really happy; it was just like he was here...well, not here, but around in general. and, in only 3 more months, i'll be heading off to spain to visit!!! *very excited!*
things that i ate today: a multi-vitamin, a bowl of oatmeal, a chicken sandwhich, some cheeze-its, a cookie, 3 bites of a peppery fajitta thing, nachos w/ cheese (aww, wvu!!), some cranberry apple juice, and half of an ice cream cone. be proud that i didn't forget that info tonight (bc i KNOW that you always want to know!).
so bethany college has finally made it into the public world of cell phones AND be proud. how long have we had cell phone service out here? like 5 months, i think. anyway, facebook is here now too, so we can all get online and be as cool as the rest of the college students in the world. (like i wasn't already staying on w/ wvu bc i'm too obsessed to quit?)
i didn't have to work tonight!!!!!! okay, i really do enjoy this call center thing, but keeping this busy all day makes me sleepy. yup, i get to do it again tomorrow woot. i think that maybe i'll be able to come home for like an hour in the afternoon. eh, we shall see.
i wrote my first paper for bethany college tonight. it was a lab report for psych lab, and it was dumb. haha. oh well; making me take a psych lab 2 years after i took real psych is dumb too! but, we get to do the pepsi challenge in a few weeks! that should be fun.
i went to sac tonight, but i skipped spanish club bc i wanted to eat dinner before sac! hah. i briefly considered joining the french club too, but it meets at the same time as sac, so i think not. wheeze.
* sing to the tune of london bridge is falling...* i got to talk to eric tonight, eric tonight, eric tonight, i got to talk to eric tonight, and it made me happy!!!!=)

uh oh!

oh noooooooo! i was so tired last night that i forgot to include the latest daily addition!!!!! so, here it is...things that i ate yesterday: toast w/ peanut butter, a bowl of spaghettios, a cookie, pizza, a salad, some cranberry apple juice, and like 5 mints at work!

now wasn't that very thought-provoking? it took me a long time to remember the toast w/ peanut butter business!!

13 September 2005


estoy muy, muy, muy cansado ahora. today was a really busy day; and i only had 3 classes!! but, i wasn't here the whole time! i had french lab (8:30), wellness (9:30), homework time (10:30), sowo lab (1:00), library time (2:00), work (3:00), dinner (5:00), more work (6:00), and an origins meeting (9:00). i feel like i've just been going & going all day...and now i'm tired. hmm, i really can't think of anything else to talk about. i'm brain dead right now; you have to wait until tomorrow for a fun blog!

12 September 2005


eric called me last night right before i climbed into my bed, so that made me very HAPPY!! yay for me having the best boyfriend in the whole entire world!=) *muah!* <---that's only for eric.
class was a regular hoot today. as usual, t'was very classy. my social problems test was easy. french was frenchy; a new girl sat next to me. religion was interesting. origins was fun and scary. fitness was pitiful; we started pilates today. pilates is even more retarded than ta'i chi and yoga (though i semi enjoyed yoga...).
so i went to work tonight, and i only got to make about 25 calls before we ran out of call sheets! we got to go home early; but i was having so much fun working!! seriously. i really do enjoy this call center business!!!=)
okay, this is the newest daily addition to my blog! (it will keep me from getting fat; and if i do get fat, you'll know that it was all because of days like today!) what i ate today: a multi-vitamin, a bowl of oatmeal, a ham sandwich, a hotdog, some reheated rice, and a cheese fajita. yes, i had four different meals hoy. haha.
i finished reading "beowulf" this morning. it was a regular good ol' originsy time. then, i answered lots of questions in class! and, my cell phone was dying, so it beeped...and she would've kicked me out of class if she'd known that it was mine. i didn't admit to it. hah.
my tanness from the summer is disappearing. it's making me sad. but, it's still there bc i still have tan lines! and, that burn mark from when i was making cupcakes for eric's party is still a white spot. haha.
i learned pronouns, how to conjugate verbs, and how to pluralize nouns in french today. so i can go to france and survive ahora. au revior.
i quite enjoy wearing tennis shoes with sparkly pink lines on the sides around my world. they sorta remind me of little girl shoes, but i always get lots of compliments on them! and, they're pretty.
a recent study has concluded that women who have a high daily stress level are at a much lower risk for getting breast cancer. isn't that weird?
britains and ohio valleyians almost always speak the french language with an almost identical dipthongish accent. coincidental? i think it's nice! haha. but, it's not very french sounding.
i wish eric was here; i miss him a whole big, huge bunch.


11 September 2005


happy patriot day!!!!!! yes, today is now an official holiday in memory of 9/11 (it's similar to pearl harbor day, people.). today was also grandparents' day!! did you send your grandma a card? i did. i should've called her too, but i forgot. damnit.
remember that post about how i had fun on friday and would write more about it later? well, i hung out with eric's roommate from last year. and, i changed my mind about writing more bc i'm lazy.
last night was interesting. i went out with my roommate, and we got pretty drunked up. i did have some fun, but i wish eric was here; scary college frat boys are yucky. today was one of those "ugh, i'm never drinking again" days. i hurt all over. and, i think i have liver failure. see that post below this one? i don't remember doing it. fun night? i just want my boyfriend!!!
and, on that cheery note, i started at my new job this afternoon! haha. really, i didn't feel gross while i was there, so yay. we started doing calls to prospective bethany students, and it was actually kinda fun! the kids that i talked to were really nice, and nobody was rude! one kid sounded stoned, but you'll have
i TRIED to call eric's new phone tonight, but my cellular doesn't allow calls of that nature. i was more than a little bit peeved. *sigh* can't they just connect me and then charge me a lot on my bill?! well, they don't. alltel meanie heads.
i have a social problems exam tomorrow morning. i've been informed that this will be the easiest class & teacher ever. woohoo! plus, i've already taken sociology, social psych, and psych; it can't get that hard anyway!
food that i ate today: a multi-vitamin, 2 bites of a bologna sandwich (i think it was bad; i threw the rest away), a bowl of easy mac, orange/pineapple juice, a bowl of chicken & broccoli rice, and a fudgeround. haha, aren't i healthy? and weird. i also drank about 10 glasses of water. ever since school started, i've been an h2o fiend; i seriously am drinking over 8 glasses a day. oh well.
i have 2 mysterious bruises on the top of my foot. they doesn't hurt, but they look really weird--sorta like someone stabbed me 2x with a pointy object. maybe i dropped heavy iron shards on myself last night or something.
why does the electricity at bethany randomly go out all the time? it just goes off for about 30 seconds every few days or so--even when it's nice and sunny outside! this school is so weird. but, i heart it a lot!!lol
i think that i'm going to go wash myself now and go to sleep early to be up bright & early for my test! woot. woot.
merry christmas, adam...



10 September 2005


fun night. i'm tired. and prolly stinky.

more latre...

08 September 2005


i had a very good hair day today!

(just thought you all ought to know that.)


does anyone actually read my daily blog titles? for instance, does anyone actually know what the last 2 titles (excluding "71 questions") meant? well, you ought to look these things up, people!!!! just think, i could be trying to send you secret messages, but you're not even trying to get them...
oh, i fixed my blog so that you have to verify that you're a real person to leave comments. (try it and you'll see what i mean.) so yay for no more spammer comments!! and, you can even leave anonymous ones now too! (but, don't do it because i will hate you for it.)
today was the first day for my french lab. it's at 8:30 in the morning, and there are 4 whole people in the class. the proctor is a native french speaker from the congo (who knew that they speak french in the congo?!). we had to memorize an entire dialogue, and it seemed a bit pointless to me, but oh well. i'm going to have a french class/lab every single day from now on!!
i joined the student activities counsel last night, so that was fun and exciting. my roommates were going, and they asked me if i wanted to come along, so i decided to go join about 10 minutes before the meeting started. there's just nothing like spur of the moment extra curricular activities!
hey, did everyone notice that i'm back on aim??? well, i am!!!!!!! i went to the aol website, looked through all of the known bugs and problem reports to figure out what was wrong with mine. then, i had to change my isp number on my computer AND reconfigure my ip route for aim. it was really confusing, but i did it! be muy proud of moi.
i think that maybe i would like to take a semester of italian. what now? hah. italian is similar to spanish and french and...and any other romance language. so it can't be that hard, right?! i'm quite enjoying french right now. does bethany even offer italian? i don't have any idea. *insert 2 minutes of no typing* okay, i just looked; they offer italian 1, 2, & 3, but no major/minor in it. interisante.
my british teacher always talks about his gran, and about eating in the canteen, and all kinds of other superb british slangy phrases. yay! today he used one that i've never heard, and it made me laugh. "fill your boots and get started!" i heart britain.
i actually dressed up and looked pretty for class today. woohoo! i'm always a bit scrubby on mwf bc i have to go to fitness, and i'm usually just lazy on the other days. it's weird here because nobody ever dresses up for class! why? wvu people dress up a lot. anyway, i did today! and, i wore new shoes!!!!=)
hmm, i need to repaint my fingernails pronto. and read for origins. and maybe review francais. and review religion. and get trained to work at the call center. and maybe even eat dinner some time in there; we'll seeeeeeee.
i miss my boyfriend a lot. i really wish that i could see him--just for a little while!! (or a really long while.) i simply want to talk to him. this spain thing is stinky!

07 September 2005

71 questions.

1. ONE WISH? to see eric.
2. ARE YOU A LOVER OR A FIGHTER? i love people...=) mostly.
3. WHAT'S YOUR WORST FEAR? losing people.
4. AS A KID, WERE YOU A LEGO MANIAC? nope; i liked barbies.
5. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF "REALITY" TV? the first season was okay; the 17th is dumb.
7. WERE YOU A CUTE BABY? of course!
8. IS THE SINGLE LIFE FOR YOU? i'm taken and quite happy with it.
10. DO YOU SING IN THE SHOWER? on occasion.
12. ANY SECRET TALENTS? if i told you, they wouldn't be secret now, would they?
14. IS JAY LENO FUNNY? not particularly.
15. CAN YOU SWIM? yes, i get paid to save drowning daycampers in the summer.
21. ARE YOU AN ONLY CHILD? i was for the first 5 years of my life.
23. WHAT'S YOUR STAND ON HUNTING? i don't want to do it. and, i hate deer heads on walls.
24. IS THERE MARRIAGE IN YOUR FUTURE? not immediately; i hope someday.
26.WHAT ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO? bleachy fumes.
27. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAID, "I LOVE YOU"? i don't know; prolly the last time eric called me.
28. IS ELVIS ALIVE? uhhhh, no.
29. DO YOU CRY AT WEDDINGS? that would mess up my makeup!
30. HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR EGGS? sunny side up, with toast.
31. ARE BLONDES DUMB? a certain percentage of them.
32. WHERE DOES THE OTHER SOCK END UP? they get sucked into the exhaust pipe in the back of the dryer. seriously, a dryer guy told my mom!
33. WHAT TIME IS IT? 7:13 pm.
36. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WERE IN A CAR? about 2 hours ago.
38. IS SANTA CLAUS REAL? uh, yea! duh.
39. DO YOU LIKE TO HAVE YOUR NECK KISSED? that would depend on the kisser.
41. WHAT ARE YOU ADDICTED TO? english classes.
43. CAN YOU CRACK YOUR NECK? sometimes.
46. IS DRUG FREE THE WAY TO BE? 'tis for me.
47. ARE YOU A HEAVY SLEEPER? not at all.
48. WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR EYES? blue. or green.
51. LIQUOR OR BEER? smirnoff (which is flavoured beer, is it not?), but some liquor is good.
55. HAVE YOU EVER STOLEN MONEY? i stole a state quarter from eric once, but i gave it back. that's it.
56. CAN YOU SNOWBOARD? hahaha!
57. DO YOU LIKE CAMPING? only with a maid, a bed, and my own personal shower.
59. DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC? in a young girl's heart. haha, i'm funny!
60. ARE DOGS A MAN'S BEST FRIEND? maybe if they could talk...
61. YOU BELIEVE IN DIVORCE? i believe that it exists.
62. CAN YOU DO THE MOONWALK? when i'm on the moon.
63. DO YOU MAKE A LOT OF MISTAKES? i try not to.
65. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU ATE? a vanilla moolatte from dq.
70. DO YOU SNORE? not normally, but i've been told that i do sometimes when i'm sick.
71. FAVORITE SONG AT THE MOMENT? the steak & cheese fries song from the garfield's commercial.

06 September 2005


i just stole a banana from the cafeteria, but i'm not sure why. i really wanted a banana (or any other fresh fruit, for that matter!) earlier today, so i had planned to eat some for dinner tonight. well, i got to dinner and forgot about it, so i ate a piece of spinach pizza and a salad (they had FRESH lettuce...exciting!!!). then, i remembered the fruit. but, i was too full to eat it, so i just took the banana and left. sneaky, eh? well, it'd better be good when i do eat it!!
salut, bonsoir! i learned a lot of french aujourd' hui. be proud. oh, and i also carefully looked at the syllabus...and there are two chapter 1 tests scheduled (tomorrow and the 19th), so i'm thinking that this thing tomorrow is only a practice. oh well, i'm still going to get a good grade on it...then maybe i won't have to take the other one!lol au revior.
i read a third of beowulf this less than an hour! i'm very impressed; i read a part of it senior year, but i thought it was kinda hard to comprehend and really boring! after last week's origins book, this is totally an easy read!!
remember learning about negative stress and positive stress? (positive is called eustress, but i forget what the bad kind is called.) anyway, i have 3 major stress issues going on in my life at the moment. 2 of them are inevitable (1 good, 1 bad), and i can deal. but, this third thing is really getting on my last nerve!! my aim doesn't work. dumb? okay, i'm ocd. yesterday it signed me offline around 4pm and wouldn't let me back on until this morning. today it just signed me off at 4pm AGAIN. death to it. last night, i was so annoyed that i ended up deleting the entire aim system and reinstalling it. (no help.) it's not the network (everyone elses' works!), so i guess that it's my pc. but, everything on here is healthy, as far as i can tell!! arg.
here is a nice story for you: i was coming back from class today and hit my toe on the door. the front doors to bethany dorms have a little metal thing that sticks over the crack (so you can't pick the lock), and i just scanned my id, opened the door, and SMASHED my poor little toe. it hurt sooooo bad!!! but, i just thought, "gee, that sucks; it really hurts...", then i walked to my room. by the time i got here (a whole 25 feet), i had a giant blood blister on my toe. i left it go for a bit, then i popped it and blood went everywhere. grossness. it was better until i walked to sowo lab, then i had to go to the bathroom before class and remove the blood from my foot and flip flop. the same thing happened walking back, but it waited until i got to the dorm. but, it's getting better now bc i walked all the way to dinner and back without any spurting blood!=)
i was asked how to spell the word misspell today. kinda ironic? i considered lying and making it wrong just to be funny, but i was nice and didn'
it's past midnight in eric world (aka spain). isn't that way weird? i think it is. hey, i looked at plane tickets for about 10 minutes today!!! yup. i really need to get on that and buy one soon. i wonder if my passport ever came...hmm. maybe i'll call home tonight and consult someone about my mail.
kimmi and i were walking back from dinner, when a boy hurried past huffing and puffing up the hill. him: "hey, how are you ladies tonight?" kimmi: "alright." me: "okay, how are you?" him: "shitty." then he ran away. it made me chuckle. and be confused.
no more anonymous comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=)

05 September 2005


happy labour day, all. and, yesterday was fathers' day in australia. anyway, i had class today (yay for private schools that don't take holidays off!lol).
so guess what? i thought i was doing really well in french this morning (no spanish!!), then she randomly told us that we have a BIG test on wednesday! granted, we have learned a little, but the test is on spelling (we have NEVER written anything!) and things of that sort. i like french, and i like the professor, but her teaching style is honestly quite horrific.
religion was cancelled today, so i didn't get to hear about satan or the origins of evil. that was depressing. i actually do enjoy learning theological subjects from a secular point of view; interesting questions are brought up, and a lot of things seem a lot more logical! science vs faith? well, actually think about some of it--don't just believe what people feed you.
the bethany campus is sorta scraggly. (and, no, i don't mean what you think i mean by that.) i've attended 2 colleges, and here is my observation: wvu has a perfectly manicured campus, new/perfectly kept buildings, and a million maintenance men around 24/7. bethany also has a perfectly manicured campus, but the buildings are older and not quite as nice; maintanence men exist. i'm ocd about clean and pretty--and wvu wins in that category! but, bethany still wins out in the institution of education/friendliness/happiness aura category!
i painted my nails a lovely bright red colour yesterday (okay, so it's kinda hooker red...), and it's been weird all day. i don't think that my nails have been RED since like last
so new orleans is finally starting to get...uh, better. they're actually collecting the bodies now, so i'm assuming that that means that the majority of the live people are out of danger. it's still really weird. and, my roommate's boyfriend (he's an emt) might have to go down to help.
a helicopter accidently dropped a gigantic concrete block on top of a gondola lift in austria. 9 people were catapulted to their deaths.
now happy news! only 56 people actually died as a direct result of the chernobyl radiation accident. i'll bet that most of you don't have a clue what i'm talking about. hah! well, you ought to look it up and educate yourself. (i only know bc i took a human environments class my freshman year at wvu!)
wvu beat syracuse yesterday!!!!! yay! and, park won at heintz field too!!!! (like 34-0!) and, as you have already read, bethany also won (a very big deal!).
i'm getting a bit pissed about the bethany internet network. to put it lightly, it sucks. and, the it department seems to do nothing. ever. not even answer the phone (through they did return my call from over a week ago...problem long fixed, thanks to myself!).
i found the absolute loooongest way from steinman hall to the rec center today. hah. i left origins talking to this guy about how dr. hull isn't quite living up to her horror stories (yet!), so i walked a different way to get to fitness. it took me FOREVER. but, i still had time to change before we started up yoga week!! haha.
i'm borEd. excessive boredom can lead to insanity, which, in turn, can lead to very weird chewing your own arm off. no implications. but, i have nothing to do for tomorrow! and, i only have 121 pages to read for origins...all week! that's nothing. for real! maybe i'll read for wellness (in a british accent!). i'll also have a job before the week's up. hooray!
oh, i should make some french flash cards tonight. yea. so i've been eating crackers the whole time that i've been typing's been a lot of crackers. i don't think i'm eating dinner
i wish that eric was here! he would give me something to do. 21. oooh, i'll look at airplane ticket information tonight!! think i can get a flight to pamplona this weekend?
why am i getting random spammer comments on my blog? i might turn the comments off for a night or 2 in a few days. we shall see. but, you all ought to comment now while you still can!!!!

04 September 2005


i was a very boring girl today. VERY dull. and borEd. i woke up at about 10:30, then i sat around watching television and eating cereal with my roommate. after some time, we decided to be productive and do homework. i decided to...(what else?!) for origins!!!! yay!
then i got to talk to eric online, so that totally made my day happy!=) fyi: he is moved into his apartment now, so my boyfriend finally has some real spanish roommates and an actual mailing address!
after that happy 30 minutes of my day, eric had to go, so i went back to reading origins for a while. then laura and i went to dinner with jen. useful fact: bethany caf pizza is no comparison to wvu caf pizza! (sorry.) after dinner, we came back here and sat around avoiding homework and being lazy. snaps for old full house episodes! kara came home with some new lamps for the living room; it was quite an exciting night. i think i'm going to go finish off the last of my origins now. toodles.


1. tiffany.
2. tiffy.
3. eric bennett’s girlfriend (that’s how i have been introduced about 20x this past week!).
1. tiffy123084.
2. i’m not telling you the other one!
3. i forget.
1. my eyes.
2. my smile.
3. my hair.
1. my nose.
2. my toes.
3. my knees.
1. austrian.
2. english. (yes, i’m part british!!!)
3. german.
1. losing people.
2. snakes.
3. drowning.
1. toothbrush.
2. vitamin.

3. chapstick/lipgloss.
1. bethany t-shirt.
2. jeans.

3. lucky pink underwear.
THREE OF YOUR FAVORITE BANDS (at least this week's):
1. coldplay.
2. the dixie chicks.

3. the black eyed peas.
THREE OF YOUR FAVORITE SONGS (at least this week's):

1. “you & i both,” jason mraz.
2. “scandalous,” mis-teeq.
3. “amazed,” lonestar.
1. eric to be closer than 3,000 miles away!
2. trust.
3. humour.
TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE (in no particular order):
1. i love attending english classes.
2. my arm has red welts on it from my scratching it.
3. none of my roommates are home right now.
1. eyes.
2. smile.
3. shoulders.
1. writing.
2. rambling.
3. walking around outside.
1. go to spain.
2. talk to eric.
3. be done reading for origins.
1. editor. (i’ll bet you didn’t know that the word edit was formed by back-formation from the word editor.)
2. samantha brown’s job. (travel channel!)
3. neonatal icu nurse (kinda not in the plan anymore, but i needed 3…!)
1. europe.
2. hawaii.
3. nyc.

1. emma.
2. jeremy.
3. elizabeth.
1. get married and have some kids.
2. go to london. and paris.
3. graduate.
1. i like to be pretty.
2. i like to shop for clothes. usually.
3. i take a really long time showering.
1. eh, not really.
2. seriously.
3. (ask kara!)
1. nobody
2. HAS
3. to.


i am TIRED. and, i don't really feel like blogging. but, i sorta do, so you get one of those lists of things that i did today with no/very few random comments & thoughts.
i went to the bethany football game today...and, bethany won!!!! (i'm told that this was a very big deal bc the bethany football team doesn't tend to win. ever.) the game was really different--smaller than wvu games (duh), and even way smaller than park games!! nevertheless, i had a good time watching my roommates cheer, listening to the 5 band members play, and watching the team run around getting dirty.
after the game, i came back to the room and read some of my origins homework. i'm getting the picture that reading for origins will be a daily habit like taking my vitamin; i might even start feeling ill if i don't read for origins one day! gotta love dr. hull...
after i got sick of reading, eric got online, and i got to chat with him for some time. yay!!! then our im's got messed up and we couldn't see each other typing, so that was sad. i watched "charlie's angels: full throttle" with laura. the goat song is in that movie!!! hehe.
we all went to the caf for dinner. they had spaghetti and french toast. yea, both were gross. (but, it explained why there were only about 15 people in the whole place!)
after dinner, my roomies came back to the room and took naps. i didn't really want to sleep, so i sat around and wasted 2 hours of my life half-sleeping on the couch, then surfing myself into outer cyberspace.
we went to the foam party tonight, which was a lot of fun. (no mad beach making out here!) then we went to the bar, but it wasn't the best night there. we ended up just kinda sitting for a little bit, then coming home. (no drinking tonight; i'm not in a drink mode.)
yup, that was about my whole day. i didn't do a whole lot, but i managed to keep myself pretty occupied for most of the day. i still miss eric a lot. i just wish that we could still talk on the phone at night. haha, too bad his night is 6 hours before mine...oh, and it's millions of dollars to call!!! blah.

02 September 2005


well, my boyfriend has been out of the country for a week now. it feels like forever; but only 149 days until he's home now!!lol i miss him an awful lot.
today was kinda dull. i went to class (no sowo on fridays!), then i came back to the room. i did a TON of homework, so now all i have to do this weekend is read some for origins!
in less than a week, i'll have a job. that will be exciting.
hey, those people in new orleans finally got some help. yay! too bad the city is still under stagnant water with dead bodies floating around.
picture this: french 110 class, bethany college, 2 september, 2005: dr. nelson, "tiffany, how do you say 'forty-three'?" tiffany, "quarante-tres." oops. yea, i felt (fyi, that was french/spanish. frenish, i think i shall call it...or maybe spanch. hehe.
i have stuff to do 3 of the 5 nights next week. now i need something to do on the other 2!! seriously, i can't sit here; it makes me miss eric. and, i should find things to do tomorrow and sunday, as well.
i keep seeing my scary stalker man around campus. he doesn't ever talk to me, but he always give me that *look*. oh well, as long as he doesn't speak. or touch. or follow me
i wish there was a blockbuster out here...or even just somewhere relatively close. bethany really is out in nowhere; this is the first time i've really thought about it/minded it.
random observation: life is insane.
i really wish eric were here with meeee!!
i sort of miss wvu. i like bethany a ton, but there are just some things that can't be replicated at a smaller school--especially a school with only 900 people. and, we don't have labour day off here!!
things i learned today: crayon means pencil in french; the hebrew word for satan is really the equivalent of our word obsticle; human love results only in loss. always. (thank you, dr. hull); ta'i chi is too funny to do in a class with other people of the same age; spain time is 6 hours ahead of us, not 7; weekends in bethany are not the most exciting events on earth.
my roommates are the best people ever!!!=) we have a good time together.
it's 5:00 am in spain. eric is going to a town in northern spain tomorrow. why? i don't know; he can't go too much more north than pamplona!lol
i think that i'll go paint my nails now.

legar. (span: to bequeath.)

what is going on in the new orleans area?!?! okay, there was a hurricane and GIGANTIC flood. but, now there is insane looting, disease outbreaks, snipers, and starving people are trapped in gyms with piles of corpses in the corners!!!! this is a huge, tragic catastrophe; why would people want to make it worse? 1,000's of people are dead/dying...and nobody can help them? we're in the united states for god's sake--things like this aren't supposed to happen here!!!! i guess it's just weird to think that they were "rich americans" (just like us!) a few days ago; now they're living like animals in a 3rd world country environment...and nobody can help them. i don't understand.
okay, on to a more cheerful subject! i only had one class today--and the teacher was british!!!! yay! i really like after class, i went to the bookstore and returned 2 books that i didn't need (yay for $60 back!), then i went to the post office. i ate lunch with my roommates, then i came back to the room to do laundry and homework for the rest of the day. really. well, i watched one episode of "full house", but that's it!
i've come to the conclusion that the bethany dining service has made its goal to fatten us all up this semester. all of the cafeteria food is absolutely drippingly laden with grease. and, it's the same way in da boom boom room (aka boomers). it's starting to really digust me. now wvu food wasn't too great, but they always had a "healthy" choice, and the salads were actually pretty good. bethany salad is not too fair either (wilty lettuce w/ stinky cheese).
i've read 182 pages of aurelius augustinus' "confessions" this week. it's muy boring, and kinda tough to comprehend...on a dr. hull level, anyway! but, i know that i'm going to learn a lot in that class this semester. and maybe fail. haha, just kidding...but i'll be working hard not to fail! my other classes don't seem bad. and, french is fun!!
i turned in my application for the call center today; kara is hiring me! so, i have a job now. well, i have training stuff next thursday and friday. THEN i'll have a job! yay for making $$$ to be able to go to spain and do fun stuff in december! and yay for getting a job really easily!lol
happy september, all. the month of september reminds me of pretty coloured leaves, newly sharpened pencils, and pleated, plaid uniform skirts. sept means seven in french. but, it's not pronounced like the month. woot.