tiffany leanne

aujourd'hui de mon vivant...

30 June 2005


Your Slanguage Profile

British Slang: 50%
Southern Slang: 50%
Canadian Slang: 25%
New England Slang: 25%
Victorian Slang: 25%
Aussie Slang: 0%
Prison Slang: 0%


i'm loving this summer! seriously. i absolutely adore being in wheeling right now. (sound dumb? oh well.) i don't miss morgantown in the least little bit. i love seeing wheeling; i love working at the park; i love being home; i love the demeanor around this city; i love working with my boyfriend every day; i love being in my bedroom; i love being able to go places with eric whenever i want to; i just love being here!
this fall, on the other hand, will be different. bethany will be a huge change from wvu--in a good way...and probably a few bad ways too. but, i'll deal. the hardest thing by far will be being away--far away from eric for 5 months. whether i'm in morgantown or bethany, spain is still WAAAAAAY but, tough as it will be, once again, i'll deal. i know that a lot of the reason that i'm loving wheeling so much is because i do get to see him so much (like every single day!). but, i won't see him at all during the fall semester. hmm, i don't know if i can do that...i mean, i have to, and i suppose that i will. but then, i get to go to spain and see him over christmas break!!!!!! that will be way cool, and i'm very excited about it; but, even if he was in iceland, i'd still be really excited because i know that i'm going to miss him that much and okay, that was a sort of sappy blog for me (was any of it news to anyone? oh well...i can ramble well, and i will!).
tomorrow is all all day swim at daycamp. i hope that it doesn't storm. and, next friday is the carnival; that should be a good time!
two different people from bethany FINALLY emailed me back. woohoo.
so, i have to work from 7:15 to 5:30 next thursday. that's a long time; i really don't want to. but, it's money. i also need to write my game schedule for next week tonight to turn in tomorrow. wheeze.
the 4th of july is sooooooooooooooon!=)
i think that maybe i will shower soon and get clean. maybe.
i dumped water on the evil cat tonight. she didn't notice. the poor little fuzz is still jumpy from the thunderstorm earlier. i'll feed him a treat!
my fingernails are in dire need of being painted. that can be my evening project tonight.
i made my computer moo whenever my blob signs online. *chuckles!*
a car ran over the ball that my girls were using for a game this morning. it was driving down the road (at the park limit of 15 mph), and our ball rolled into the street and jammed under the fender between the front & back tires, the car stopped, lexie walked toward the car to get the ball, the car pulled forward, the ball popped (really loudly!), and the car raced out of the park. it was very weird, but very


ooooh, lookie what i found!!!!!!!! i haven't done one of these in a long time! get ready to learn much about me, folks.

Full Name: tiffany leanne frank.
How are you today?: i'm doing well.
Favorite drink: water.
Favorite alcoholic drink: pope juice!
Favorite sport: um, croquet.
Hair color: brown...slowly going back to blonde.
Eye color: greeny blue.
Do you wear contacts?: nope.
Siblings: timmy & matthew.
Favorite month: june, july, and december.
Favorite food: dicarlos pizza (from the grove!) or strawberries w/ vanilla ice cream.
Last movie you watched: "mr. & mrs. smith"
Favorite day of the year: the 4th of july (*soon!*) or new years eve!
Summer or winter: summer!
Hugs or kisses?: both are necessary.
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla.
Living arrangements: home for the summer.
What are you reading?: this question, haha! and, dandelion wine by ray bradbury.
What's on your mouse pad: a silvery circle thing that says, "dell".
What did you do last night: stayed at eric's house.
Favorite smells: eric. and, spring.
Can you touch your nose with your tongue: nooooope.
What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? ugh.
Type of Music: most sorts.
Magazines: cosmo.
Books: the great gatsby, the scarlet letter, the dictionary.
Day of the Week: whenever eric is off work.
Flower: red or pink roses, and daisies!!!
Board Game: hmm, chutes and ladders. duh.
Season: summer!!!!!!!!!!
Fruit: strawberries or peaches.
Veggies: broccoli.
Fast food: arby's.
Restaurant: olive garden.
Numbers: 73.
Body part: eyes.
Holiday: new years eve and independance day. (what? i like fireworks!!!!)
Movie soundtrack: "the phantom of the opera."
Animals(s): the fuzz.
Candy: skittles.
Places to shop: most any shoe store.
**Have You Ever?**
Danced around naked: of course.
Gotten drunk: yeah.

Ran away from the cops: nope.
Held a gun: not me.
Committed a crime you were charged with: no.
Gotten in a car accident: not anything serious.
Gone skinny dipping: not yet.
Ran away from home: sorta...when i was like 7.
Played strip poker: i don't even know how to play poker...wanna teach me?
Broke a bone: i dislocated my pinky once, but that's it.
Had a medical emergency: not that i remember.
Sang out loud: about 3.72 seconds ago.
Screamed: hmm...i yell at kids every day, but i don't know when the last time i actually screamed was. maybe when eric took me to the penitentiary before halloween?
Ate Chinese food: ew. a long time ago.
Watched a cartoon: monday morning at before care.
**Do you...**
Have a pager: no
Have a cell phone: yes
Have a Live Journal: i have a blog.
Have money in your pocket: i'm wearing shorts that have no pockets.

Have clothes on right now: um, yea.
Have a mental disease: well, ocd is a mental
Overreact: occassionally.
Have any pets: i have my very own the fuzz.
Save e-mails: yep.
Smoke: ewww, no!
Do drugs: definately not.
Drink: on occasion.
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend: i have a boyfriend. yay!
Look like anyone: i say no.
Sleep with stuffed animals: just bennett.
Sleep with the lights on or off: off.
Think that you're weird: sometimes.
Think that you're funny: of course!
Watch porno's: i can't say that i ever have.
Have a pool: yes.
Party a lot: not a lot.
Go on-line a lot: oh, way too much.
Sleep a lot: not really.
Curse a lot: i wouldn't classify it as a lot.
Have a job: oh, yea.
Like lollipops: i'm eating a grape one right now.
Birthdate: 30 december 1984
Zodiac sign: capricorn.
What time do you get up? between 7 and 8.
If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? eric. (and, i did about 6 hours ago!)
What was the last film you saw at the cinema? "mr. & mrs. smith" last night.
Favorite TV show? the gilmore girls.
Beach, city, or country? beach, i suppose.
What characteristic do you despise? lying.
Whips and chains or whip cream? cool whip.
Where do you work? wp daycamp.
What did you do for your last birthday? ate dicarlos and watched a movie with eric.
What are the last 2 digits of your phone number? 85.
What was the last thing you ate? a yogurt and a banana...and, this lollipop.
How is the weather right now? it just finished thunderstorming.
Last person you talked to on the phone: my mommy.
Button fly or zipper jeans: does it matter?
French toast, pancakes, or waffles: french toast.
Twinkies or ding-dongs: zebra cakes.
Coffee or tea: coffee.
Hot or cold: hot.
One pillow or two: 2 on the bed; 1 under me.
Lace or satin: satin.
Red or blue: red.
New or old: new.
Sweater or sweatshirt: hoodie.
Pencil or pen: pink pen.
T-shirt or tank top: tank top.
Stripes or solids: plaid!!!
Wool or cotton: cotton.
Chocolate milk or plain: chocolate skim.
Spring or fall: both.
History or science: english.
Summer or winter: summer!!!!!
Skiing or swimming: swimming.
Croutons or bacon bits: croutons.
Two-door cars or four: doesn't really matter.
Ruffles or lays: doritos. "rule 47: never take a bag of doritos into a school." hah.
lanket or stuffed animal: blanket.
Shampoo or conditioner: um, both!!!!!!!
Dumper or dumpee: neither; they both suck.
Relationship or hook-up: relationship.
Boys or girls: boys; girls fight too much.
Purple grapes or green: purple.
Lefty or righty: righty.
Bridges or tunnels: bridges.
Adidas or nike: adidas.
Oranges or apples: apples.
Deaf or blind: um, neither.
Pools or hot tubs: pools.
Blondes or brunettes: hmm...don't care.
TV or radio: radio.
Snow or rain: rain.
What is your most prized possession?: the fuzz.
What is your good luck charm(s)?: my *lucky* plaid underwear.
What is the most embarrassing CD you own?: eh, maybe the "fun things to listen to on the way to see jason" cd?lol
What do you do most often when you are bored?: call eric, get online, sleep.
What is the last movie you rented?: "white noise"...right, eric? haha.
What brand of shoes do you wear?: my tennis shoes are adidas...the other 75 pairs are different ones. haha.
What kind of clothes do you sleep in?: a tank top and underwear; maybe with shorts.
What are your favorite girl names?: i really want to have a girl and name her emma leanne.
What are your favorite guy names?: jeremy.
What does your room look like?: kinda messy.
What color tooth brush do you use?: pink.

What are you thinking about right now?: what my other favourite boy names are...?

28 June 2005


i'm eating some corn puff poppers (pretend popcorn made of cornmeal). they're good.
i murdered several hundred tadpoles yesterday by pouring them onto the ground. i sort of felt bad. oh well.
so, i FINALLY have my very own daycamp group (not substituting for someone!!!). and, they're very well behaved. yay!
it's thunderstorming...aren't you supposed to get offline when it storms? well, i'm not. hah!
i got stung by a bee right in the middle of my forehead today. it hurt really bad! then, about 2.53 seconds later, a camper poured a glass of ice on my head.
sleepiness. work makes me tired. really tired. it's not that bad when it's under 90 degrees or just not humid, but 95 degrees with 90% humidity all day beats me up.
on the way home, i stopped at the dollar store to look for water balloons for tomorrow. i got 150 water ballons with a filler thingy for one dollar! now, it'd better be hot tomorrow!
the people from bethany STILL haven't emailed me back. i emailed them over a week ago--then, i emailed a bunch more on sunday night; nobody answers! um, i need to know the answers to my questions before i can register/give them any money. apparently, they don't want me.
it's almost the 4th of july. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

27 June 2005


eric is home!!!!!!! and, i finally got to see him! yay for my wonderful boyfriend who i love so very much!=) we didn't do a whole lot today; just went to the mall and walked around, rented a movie from blockbuster, watched it at his house and ordered pizza. but still, i got to see him!!!! and, spending time with the person whom i love is wonderful, no matter what we're doing! oh, and we've been dating for over 15 months now!!!!!=) *eric, i love you!!!! xoxo!!!*

well, i'm very sleepy now, and i must work early tomorrow morning. again. blah. but, snaps for extra hours = extra money. and, snaps for eric coming back to work tomorrow! alrighty, goodnight, all.

25 June 2005


i got to go see "bewitched"!!!! yay! seriously, i've been wanting to see that movie forever. so, adam and i went to see it tonight. it was funny.=) beforehand, we also went to burger king, and i got a kids meal. i have a new theory: kids meals simply consist of a normal sandwich, a small fries, a small drink, and a toy(!!!!!)...but, they're less than half the price of a normal meal. why?! and, why do i not ALWAYS order one? i never, ever finish my fries or my drink. a kids meal size is perfect. less money for the food that i'll eat AND and a toy?!?! besides, happy meal toys are right up my alley...well, they would be if i had an alley to be up, that is.

i'm very tired. this whole work business is wearing me out.

24 June 2005


i want to see a movie tonight!!!! i want to see "bewitched"...and talk to eric! gee, too bad he's 5 hours away, AND won't even talk to me on the phone. we've talked for less than 25 minutes total all week; he didn't call me again last night or today! i'm remotely peeved about it, and i just miss him in general. i have nothing to do tonight, and i really want to see that movie. with eric (or at least talk to him sometime...)!
work was fun today. actually it was really hot, but i like really hot. i think it was like 95 most of the day; then i had to stand at the pool for 2 hours in the sun. yay for my tan!!! then, i got in during my break and taught morgan (my favourite from last year!!!) how to swim--she actually learned! i was so proud.=)
haha, the fuzz's mother actually answers to "evil cat" now. i'm funny. snaps for the fuzz!!!!! i think that i'll buy him a new toy soon.
today is discovery day in newfoundland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! celebrate.
i'm so happy that i'm not in morgantown anymore!=)
i really like my life. seriously, it's pretty darn good...yay!

23 June 2005


i was at work for 10 hours straight today. 10 hours! and, i have to work early tomorrow. plus, i worked late last night!
devil child left to go to the beach for a whoooole week tonight!=) she also told me that she loved me, and that she wants to be in my group when she comes back. hah!
i received a lovely postcard from eric today. "i had to write this to get into dinner tonight." gee, thanks, darling!
i have tan lines on my feet from standing beside the pool in flip flops every day.
after work, i went to church to see this youth group praise team from kc that comes to our church every year. i was tired, and i didn't really want to go but i went. it was actually really good! it made me miss choir. seriously, i used to sing in a choir like 6 days a week, sometimes all 7! and, our youth group used to do musicals and take them on tour; omg, it was sooo much fun!!!
eric's replacement counselor for the week is STILL talking to me a ton (only one more day of work, and eric will be back!). his group played 2 games w/ mine this morning, then he ate lunch w/ me, talked to me at the pool, arranged evening games w/ me, ate dinner w/ me (with the other counselors!!!), and sat at the pool w/ me all night. i couldn't get away from him!!! quite a few of his boys keep asking me when eric will be back; i don't think they like him too very much (mike, not eric).
i haven't eated a banana in a very long time.
i actually got into the pool today for the first time all week, i think. i went down the water slide too. twice. ooooh.

22 June 2005


ew, i ate a bug tonight! he got stuck on the back of my throat when i was walking on national road, and i accidently swallowed him.
devil child this afternoon: "tiffany, you're not as bad as i thought you were!" okay, i shall take that as the ultiment compliment from her. i also found out that all of the girls (besides her two "followers") in my group HATE her. yay!
i got way tan today at work. woohoo!
pope john paul ii was the world's scrabble champion in the over-70 category.
eric never called me last night! *angry eyes* he sent me a text message this morning and said that it was a "late night". hmm. oh, and his replacement daycamp counselor has been hitting on me. just because he has eric's group for the week doesn't mean that he gets eric's girlfriend! he goes to bethany too.
i sort of miss school. not morgantown, just classes--english classes, to be exact...byron nelson's english classes, to be really exact!
tomorrow is the olders' cookout at daycamp. that means that i have to work until 7:30 with devil child. death.
there was a midget at the pool today.
the pope and i took a lovely stroll around wheeling this evening. we were both scrubby; people honked at our beauty.
quiero dormir.

21 June 2005


happy first day of summer!!!!
devil child came to daycamp again today. she was late (because she failed math and is in summer school) and missed her favourite game; she said it was my fault. um, yea, i knew that she would be late? i was excited bc i thought she wasn't oh, and, i am not as cool as her counselor last year--she told me.
after work, i went shopping with my mommy for a little while. she bought me a dress and 2 new shirts. they are all cute and fun summery clothes. yay for moms!
leeann moved me up to regular daycamp (with the 12-yr-olds group!) for the rest of the summer. i'm happy that i get more hours and stuff (and, get to permanently work w/ eric!), but i'll miss my preschoolers! oh well, i'm the one who asked her to do as long as i'm rid of devil child when lindsey returns, i'll be perfectly happy!
eric had better call me soon. actually, he'd better just come home soon; i can't take this talking to him for less than 5 minutes in a 24 hour period thing.
i've been like slightly ill all day long. blah.
there's a full moon tomorrow!
i lost my watch. i can't work very well without it because i have a schedule to keep, and there aren't too many clocks hanging around the park. death.
i'm blowing leftover wedding bubbles at the fuzz. he loves them. a lot. so does his brother.
sasha is still here with thing 1 in captivity. be jealous.

20 June 2005


today i gained a new daycamper. she is the devil child.
my mom yelled at me for quite a while tonight for a plethora of different reasons. it made me sad.
i was informed that my grandma isn't doing very well at all. i guess i knew this, but nobody had actually SAID it aloud, so i just kinda ignored it. i don't know what i'll do when she's gone; she was my best friend when i was little.
i miss eric a lot. we talked for a whooping 1 minute and 27 seconds at 7 am, then for 3 minutes and 42 seconds a few minutes ago. we usually talk for over an hour at night, plus numerous times throughout the day.
i am allergic to aluminum zirconium tetra(or tri!)chlorohydrex gly. it is the active ingrediant in EVERY single deodorant ever, except for mine (which it took me months to find!). i have about 10 opened deodorants in my drawer, all of which i am allergic to. recently, they changed the ingrediants to mine, and now it's in there too.
i want to throw up. nausea.

19 June 2005


i was in washington, pa for my aunt's "wedding" AAAAAALL day today. i say "wedding" because they already got married at the courthouse like a month ago. it is also the third marriage for both parties involved. oh well. they had a little church service wedding thingy. only 23 people came, haha. the service was weird; i really didn't like any of it. my dad sang a solo though, and it was good! i met the aunt and uncle that i last saw when i was 2. they were nice; my uncle was actually really funny. then, i met the lesbian cousin. nobody is really sure whether she really is or not...i considered asking, but i didn't talk to i didn't. she said, "chow" to me when she left, and that was about it all day. anyway, the reception was interesting. the food was fancy food. i hate fancy food. i think that i'm going to serve pizza and ice cream at my wedding. seriously; everybody likes it! it'd be a lot more fun...and, way cheaper! my uncle told me that it's up to me to get married and have the whole family together for the next time. it was kind of an awkward moment because i just stared at i was just confused as to what he was talking about (first of all, i'm not really planning a wedding anytime within the immediate future; secondly, why can't they just get together on their own for a holiday or something?). then, my dad sat around with his siblings and their families and conversed for 4 hours. literally--4 hours! now, i understand that they haven't all been together in over a decade, but geez. nevertheless, it was sorta fun. sorta weird. sorta boring. the end. i'm tired now, and i have before care tomorrow morning, so i'm going to bed soon. orv wah.

18 June 2005


well, well, well, what a day. i'm way bored--and, it's not even noon yet! my familia went out of town, and eric spent the night last night...but, he had to get up early this morning and leave for camp. i got up and cooked him breakfast!=) but, i've been sitting around alone since 8am, and i'm bored.
i just went through my transcripts, emailed the registrar from bethany, and filled out some papers that need to be mailed. i'm so efficiant when i have nothing better to do. and, i do believe that this transfer business really will occur. i'm scared.
i need to get my beach pictures developed. they'll be fun!=)
tomorrow is fathers' day!!!! buy your dad some oreos. i did.
eric is gone for a whooole entire week! i miss him already. i'm going to be bored all week. sigh. but, i have a ton of extra hours at work this week, so that'll be something to do. yay for making money!
i think i'll watch a movie all by my lonesome in a little while.
maybe i'll go on a diet this summer.
today is preview day at bethany. i didn't go. wvu orientation was boring, and i've already been to college for 2 years; i don't need to sit through another one of these things. i'll schedule on my own time.
coldness. death to 70 degrees. summer officially starts in 3 better be 95 or higher every single day after that!

16 June 2005


happy national mortician's day, all! (yes, it really is! don't you just love all of my random useless knowledge?!)
today, i had older girls at daycamp. lindsey is gone for the rest of this week and next, so i get her group. they're 12/13 and um, well...just normal 12/13-year-olds. it's interesting; waaaaaaaay different from my sweet little preschoolers!
a kid from eric's group bit me today. he said that i "smell good, but taste bad". hmm. this is the same lovely child who held my arms behind my back, threw koosh balls at me, then sat on my lap for 10 minutes...and tied my shoelaces together.
thing 1's hair is messy.
the parentals are going out of town tomorrow. partay herrrrrre! or not.
my aunt is getting married on sunday. rumor is that my long-lost lesbian cousin will be there. that should be...uh, interesting.
death to rainy daycamp days. rainy daycamp days = mass chaos.
morgan, my favourite little daycamper from last year hung out with me all afternoon!=)
i think that i'll clean up my bedroom. yay!


"find the boy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who still wants to kiss you when you're sick, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep. find the boy who calls you right after he drops you off just to say that he already misses you. wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world even when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, and who kisses your neck when you won't kiss him back. find the boy who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup, the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares--the guy you catch staring at you in a room full of girls, the one who calls you “sweetheart”, even when his friends are around. find that boy--because he’s the only one worth finding. he will make an ordinary moment seem magical, he will bring out the best in you, and he will make you want to be a better person. he will make you smile when nobody else can."

that's why i love eric. he is all of those things--and, so much more! he's my best friend; i can tell him absolutely anything. he calls me every single night before he goes to sleep. talking to him makes me happy, no matter what's wrong. he listens to me. he always holds my hand. we can sit around and do nothing, but still have a great time. he's working with me all summer. he's hot.

eric, i looove you!

15 June 2005


i'm sad.

14 June 2005


i'm very peeved at my familia ahora.
lysol citrus scented sanitizing wipes smell really, really good!
i want someone to come hug me.
we had blood at daycamp today. but, no vomit!=)
i was annoyed at a lot of different people today for multiple reasons. the more i think about it, i should've been in a bad mood all day. but, i wasn't; i was in a fairly good mood until like 9pm.
i had to work early this morning. i have to work late tomorrow. blah.
sasha is sitting next to thing 1. she is in custody of the midget pig protection services right now because SOMEONE was irresponsible with her.
i cleaned my bathroom for over an hour tonight. my mom had a lot of new cleaning things that were fun.
i desperately need to do my nails. and, i donno what else, but something; i looked bad today. i can't figure out why though. death.
the park gave me a nametag today. woohoo. i didn't get a nametag all summer last year. it's a very nice nametag. it even says, "tiffany" on it. i got another visor too. woot.
i stopped at halmark on the way home from work today. yay!!!
i pulled a little girl out of the pool today who had fallen and gone in headfirst. she was really out of it, and may well have drowned if i hadn't done it. she wasn't even a daycamper, but i saved her anyway. go me! she was being mean to my daycampers later...i should've left her.
happy flag day.

13 June 2005



last night, i spent the night at eric's house. he organized papers all evening, and i watched a weird movie on television. it was quite the evening. i LOVE that boy. a lot. this morning, we got all spruced up in our uniforms (aww!lol), and headed off to work. daycamp was...uh, daycamp. it felt just like last year. except that preschool had very few kids, i'm the only returning counselor there, and most of my favourite kids moved up to big daycamp.=( anyway, it wasn't that bad. i like working at the park; seriously, who can beat $5.30/hr for playing on a playground and swimming all afternoon. yay for daycamp! i actually got a fair amount of sun at the pool too, even though it was cloudy on and off all afternoon.
so, i already had my first gross moment of the summer...c'mon, it was only the first day, alec! anyway, there was this little boy named alec who had a 1/2 a pb&j sandwhich, some cheese balls, a few teddy grahams, and a capri sun for lunch. that's a reasonable preschool lunch. he was so excited to go swimming that he didn't want to eat, but i made him eat the sandwhich, some cheese balls, and his drink. (yea, go me.) then, we went to the pool. all was well. after about 30 minutes, alec choked on water. he was leaning out of the pool about 4 inches from where i was sitting on the side.
me: "alec, are you alright?"
alec: "yes" *cough, cough, cough*
me: "...are you sure?"
alec: *starts vomiting all over the sidewalk*
me: *yanks the boy out of the pool, and carries him to the grass (still puking)*
it was very gross. and, remember, alec ate cheese balls for other words, he threw up orange. very orange. when he was done, he told me that he was fine and immediately jumped back into the water. i fished him out again, and made him sit for a few minutes. i finally let him back in the pool because he really was okay. i think he was just swallowing a lot of the pool water. there was no point in calling his mom, bc she was coming in like 20 minutes anyway. i kept an eye on him the rest of the time, and he was fine. other than that lovely incident, we had no more grossness today. (...still no blood yet, woohoo!)


The True You

You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to be together with you always, no matter when or where.
With respect to money, you spend as little as possible.
You think good luck depends on maintaining good relationships with others.
The hidden side of your personality tends to be satisfied to care for things with a minimal amount of effort.
You are tend to think about others' feelings a lot, perhaps because you are so eager to be liked.
When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you will search and search until you find your perfect match.

12 June 2005


11 June 2005

i'm baaaack!

i'm back from myrtle beach. yay! (that's a yay for the beach, not that i'm back...although it's raining there now, so it doesn't matter.) anyway, i had a lovely week in south carolina with a jolly group of fellows. i might post pictures for you later. maybe...if i feel like it. anyway, let me share some of the most mentionable memories:
the complimentary coffee did not come with complimentary coffee filters. what a rip off! anyway, that was only the beginning of a very shittay hotel. the poindexter resort is not very *nice*, but it is cheap and ocean front. it was alright. the bathroom was GROSS.
we went to ripley's aquarium on saturday. it was nice. i saw a blowfish, but he wasn't inflated.
i sat on the sand a lot. woohoo for the beach! i got really, really tan. then, i burnt. now i'm peeling. it's very disgusting, but i start work on monday, so i guess that'll make me tan again soon enough.
i LOVE my boyfriend sooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we ate in a restaurant with some mermaids. they were swimming and a little pool thing, and they gave adam and erik some beads. there were also a lot of pirates walking around. woot.
i stayed at eric's house the night before we left, and i stayed there last night when we got back. i haven't slept in my very own bed for quite some time. that will change shortly; i'm sleepy.
things that i brought home that i didn't take with me: a pair of eric's pants, 2 of eric's t-shirts, one of eric's socks, adam's dvd's & cd's, adam's $20, and some piggly wiggly bags. i think i'll just keep it all.
i miss eric. yea, i just saw him like 6 hours ago, but that was a long time ago. i have been with him for 10 days straight. the entire time, we were apart for less than 15-minutes maybe 5 times...if that. anyway, we were together a lot. now he's working, and i miss him.=(
"hey, cardinal!" "i'm the pope!" "eh, i mean, hey pope!" hahahahaha! erik (with a k!) is quite a humorous chap. he also talks in his sleep. "acdc, bitch!"
we played mini-golf at professor hacker's lost treasure golf. it was a good time.
we ate at the olive garden. hooray for the olive garden!!!!!
eric and i took lots of long walks on the beach. aww.
i attended my first foam party. it was...interesting. yes, i am the cleanest person on earth, why on earth would i want sticky foam all over me?!?!?! but, it was actually kinda fun. i would've liked it more if i had worn my bathing suit; that was all i could think about all night because i am ocd like that. anyway, i'd do it again...and, i'd wear a bathing
here's a weird thing. i bought like 3 tops a long time ago that are really cute club-going tops. but, i detested morgantown, so i never went to clubs, nor did i wear them anywhere else. i kept thinking, "oh, i'll take them to the beach and wear them there!" then, i forgot to bring them. damnit. it was very sad. (and, yea, ocd me thought about that long & hard both nights that we were at kryptonite!) anyway, that annoyed me because now i have no place to wear them again.
i had daycamp training/cpr & aed certification this morning. that was fun. very hot. literally. anyway, daycamp starts on monday! darla thing.
quiero mi novio.
brockie's tail is greenish. why?
i took a california quarter from eric because i didn't think that i had one. he didn't have one either, but he let me have it because he is nice (and because i hid it...). i gave him a cow one, because he had neither and i had the cow one. anyway, i already had a cali one. i forgot. i'll give this one back.
fathers' day is soon. buy your dad something a package of oreos.
the fuzz caught a mouse today. why was there a mouse in my house? anyway, the fabulous fuzz killed it, and my dad got rid of it.
i might go to washington with eric soon. the dc washington, that is. anyway, we'll go for one day. be jealous.
i need to shower.
i hope eric calls me soon.

02 June 2005

assertive me...

Your Extroversion Profile:

Cheerfulness: Very High
Friendliness: High
Activity Level: Medium
Sociability: Medium
Assertiveness: Low
Excitement Seeking: Low


i have a pink, heart-shaped balloon!!!!!! yay!
the fuzz is sleeping a in a box behind me. cuteness to an absurd level he surely is. yup.
tiredness. wheezeness. meh.
go to advance auto parts in the grove and meet harold! he's insane.
i ate some rootbeer float ice cream yesterday. technically, it was "vanilla ice cream swirled with rootbeer flavoured sherbet". anyway, it was actually really good.
2 days until we're @ the beach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i just smeared peppermint lotion all over my feet. it feels weird and tingly. and, now my toes are minty!=)
i made cupcakes tonight in celebration of the queen's birthday. her birthday isn't really until monday (make sure that you celebrate it!!!), but i'm making them early.
the ass landlord's check FINALLY came in yesterday's mail. woohoo!
i'm going to stay up ALL night tonight with eric so that we can sleep tomorrow and then be awake to drive 12 hours tomorrow night. haha. yea, if you happen to still be awake by like 3 or 4 am, call us to make sure that we are!!!lol
mermaid girl's surgery was successful! be thrilled for her; she has 2 legs now! and, she has cute toes. go to and view her.
i'm washing clothes.
well, i have mucho stuff to finish up, so i shall leave ya'll with this: I'M GOING TO THE BEACH FOR A WEEK, AND YOU'RE NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! be jealous...unless, of course, you are eric, adam, or erik. then you can just feel priviledged that you are entitled to an entire week with meeeeeeee!

01 June 2005


it's june now! woohoo for june. and, i'm wearing my lucky jingle bell underwear! woohoo for lucky jingle bell underwear.