tiffany leanne

aujourd'hui de mon vivant...

31 August 2006


I haven't written in here in a loooong time. Shucks. Here is a brief overview of my life for the past two weeks:
Eric and I went shopping for clothes and other fun school essentials. I bought SO MANY new outfits. Absurd, I know, but I hadn't bought new clothes in a long time. I got lots of grown-up attire for my life.

School started. Woo. Classes aren't bad at all; this semester is looking to be very easy and fun. One of my teachers actually told me that I'll be bored in her class because I'm "above" it, and that I can either drop it or stay in it for an "easy" class. I love being a senior English major.
Eric got his wisdom teeth out, and he did very well--minimal swelling with only occasional acute pain. On the other hand, that same day, apparently, I had a "mini seizure" and passed out in the middle of Greco's. They called 911, and EMT's came and poked me around with blue rubber gloves. So that was an interesting time in my life.
My schedule:
9:00 Masterpieces of Drama
12:00 Origins of Western Thought I
2:00 Italian I
11:00 Model United Nations
2:00 Italian Lab
2:00 Italian Lab
6:00 Poetry Writing Workshop
Working at the Call Center being a big ol' supervisor.
Being an English Peer Tutor for freshmen.
Doing a Senior Project.


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