tiffany leanne

aujourd'hui de mon vivant...

13 October 2004

bad teachers need to die.

today was a sucky day. well, i guess it started out alright....hmm, no, it didnt. today was a bad day all around. i woke up this morning and i was still way tired. i didnt wanna get up, but i did anyway. it was 36 degrees outside. i detest coldness. anyway, i went to linguistics and got my midterm back. i got an a-. now, im not saying that an a- is bad, but i wanted an a+. i didnt get it:( then i went to meet with my advisor about scheduling for next semester. that was all good & well; i got my pin number, and i get to take another linguistics course in the spring...if i can fit it in there! after that, i had to climb all the way from stansbury to the mountain lair--a nice hike that includes almost all of the steps on the downtown campus. i went in the mountain lair, got some orange juice, and sat down with dani and joe. the orange juice was warm. i dont like warm orange juice. and joe was being stupid.
i went to english 102; english 102 should be one of my easiest classes, correct? yes, it should be, but, um, its not. first off, she decided that she wasnt going to teach today...oh wait, she hasnt taught anything yet this semester. so, as usual, we divided into groups and talked for 20 minutes. then, half of the class received their literary analysis papers back (the ones that she collected 2 weeks ago). the rest werent done being graded yet. lucky me, i got mine back...a whopping 70%...up 3 points from my 67% that i got on the rough draft. now, i fixed everything that she said to fix on the paper...WHY THE FUCK DO I HAVE A SEVENTY PERCENT?!?!?!?! and where is my political paper rough draft? the final drafts are due in 2 classes...and we dont have them back yet either! plus, ive got a proposal for my final paper thats due on thursday. she hasnt helped us a bit with what were supposed to be writing about or anything, but i guess i should be used to this by now:( im still pissed that she wont be giving me any feedback on my writing before everything else it due though! die.
after that class, i walked home really fast. prolly because i was pissed, but i donno. when i got here, i checked the mail, and there was a letter for me. yay! i opened it, and it was a lovely letter of rejection from the english department about the strum workshop. gee, thanks. just in case i hadnt noticed that i didnt get selected last week, im glad that they felt the need to send me letter to remind me! by this point, i was just in a shitty mood. the only thing left to do was eat a peanut butter sandwhich and watch muppet treasure island. so, thats exactly what i did. im not saying that it made me happy, but it put me in a better tonight, i decided that my room smelled funky again(why?!), so i cleaned it. i wiped down just about everything in the room with lysol wipes, vaccumed, did laundry, took out the trash, and sprayed half a can of air freshener around. needless to say, its nicer in here now:) this is a nice, long blog; i hope you enjoyed reading me bitch about my day, haha. anyway, im done now.


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