tiffany leanne

aujourd'hui de mon vivant...

06 October 2004

im rambling again

i ought to be working on my english 102 political paper, but i feel a blog coming on. the paper can wait a bit. so, today was pretty much a typical wednesday. i woke up, got dressed, went to philosophy class, and got confused in philosophy class. then i went to american lit and wondered about the professors sanity for 50 minutes. spanish guessed it...spanishy! but we got out a few minutes early!:) adam and i went tanning, then i ditched him for lunch and went to the library. i got 2 books on prenatal testing and the ethics of that sort of thing. and the librarian was really nice to me:) then i came home. its still approximately 60 degrees in here during the daytime (lower after dark!!!), and the landlord has determined that the heater is broken:( anyway, that should be fixed within the next few days....otherwise, im gonna start burning the furniture for heat!!! i havent done a whole lot tonight besides work on this paper. im highlighting and making notecards and everything that mrs moore taught me...shed be so proud! well, except for the procrastination part!lol dani and hilary went to the mall while i was working, and hilary got her halloween costume too! soooo...when they got home, we all put our costumes on and stood around the living room for a bit. ...then it got too damn cold, and we all had to go change!!! anyway, were all adorably cute; everyone will be insanely jealous on halloween!;) okay, enough bloggyness for one night; i need to work on my english paper!


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