tiffany leanne

aujourd'hui de mon vivant...

30 June 2006


remember that time that a [british] hobbit took a photo of eric and i in front of the london tower bridge? WELL, that particular picture just happened to make its way into the sunday edition of the wheeling intelligencer. no autographs, please. ps: more importantly, there were also some coupons for coldstone creamery in that day's paper.
i got some new shoes the other evening. i love new shoes. they are white tennis shoes, and they have pink and brown trim. they also have tiny pumas on the toes. a puma is just a mountain lion, which is a panther, etc. apparently, this particular animal has several proper names. puma is the incan name, and it's the name that scientists use. i looked it all up. and i love my new shoes.
things that eric and i have done this week: played scrabble, gone to dairy queen, rented dvd's, talked about everything, drank vodka & cranberry juice, gone shoe shopping, left keys at blockbuster, bought a cactus, tried to go to kennywood, been to spanish church, eaten pizza, had loads and loads of fun. i like this week.
i am going home for 2 days on sunday. no work for me on monday OR tuesday. yay for fireworks! my brothers will be away at some camp though...hate to say it, but i kinda wish they were going to be there. nevertheless, the fuzz will be there! i bought him a brand new catnip mouse present last night.
when i first came to bethany, i generally liked it. but, i HATED the entire "bethany bubble" phenomenon. i guess it's something that you don't really notice/understand unless you're here--and maybe most people still don't see it because they've always gone here. i don't know. anyway, i'm over that now. i don't resent it, and i don't feel like these kids really need to get into the "real world" for a little while. i guess everyone gets there in his own time, and bethany is a good place to learn. i fit into a private school better (maybe simply because that's where i started school in the very beginning.). bethany still has its flaws (but what school doesn't?), and i like it here now.
i got my nails done last week at a nail place in robinson. fyi: don't go to the nail place in robinson with the bamboo by the front door. they made 8 of my fingers bleed. perhaps i have sensitive fingers or something...but i've never had ANY fingers bleed from that before. also, they look...well, not BAD, but i've definately had better. that's your warning.
i need to get my hair cut. maybe just a trim. maybe super short for the summer. maybe SHAVED for the summer. i'll just wait and see how crazy i feel. i hope i can get it done on monday; i like my very own hair stylist. i like my mom's too. but, she's never cut my hair, only fixed it for special occasions. maybe i'll try and get it cut just like my mom's. maybe.
i am cold, and work is boooooring. rachel and kara went off on some youth group trip to somewhere, which left me at work alone. if you think playing computer games with friends for 8 hours is boring, try doing it alone! golly. yesterday i got to read 3,489,864 newspapers and cut out all articles about bethany. there were some--mostly boring. i read lots of random articles though, and have learned many new things. suddenly, work is educational this week.


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